Would You Be Surprised To Know If Paula White Is Doing Dirty Work Through the CME Church?
And the answer to that question is ... drum roll... absolutely not!
Our friends at Church Lady Blogs have an exclusive for us. We thank them for their diligent work at getting the truth out about the black church and this is just one more that we all need to know about.
It looks like Paula White is doing what she does best: preaching the gospel of prosperity but this time, its through the CME Church. According to CLB and a guest post they received from someone who attended a recent event, they say Paula White is up to her usual antics.
Take a look what the Church Lady Blogs has in store for us through their guest blogger.
Read more HEREI received this message today from a source who attended the Laity Ministry service of the CME Quadrennial Annual Conference in Savannah, Georgia recently and was so appalled by Paula White’s antics that she felt compelled to share her experience with the CLB family.Guest Post by: Jenn…My name is “Jenn….” and I’d like to say God bless you and thank you for your commitment to blogging about the issues of the black church. It is high time that our people WAKE UP!I attended a Paula White service in Savannah on last week, and I was appalled and disgusted by what I saw and heard. I want you to know that everything I’m offering you here is open for your use on your blog.I was a hairline fracture away from contacting the mainstream media about Paula’s shenanigans, but I’m waiting to see how some other things play out before I take that route.
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