NAACP's HIV-AIDS Manual for Black Churches [Download Manuals]
We are glad to hear people are still pushing the fact that HIV/AIDS is an epidemic and it can't be pushed under the rug. We are not always in agreement with the NAACP and some of their tactics, but we can see some good use of a manual if it really deals with the issues and real solutions. When dealing with the church on these issues, it can be challenging because people are starting to get to the point they don't want to hear about it, especially not in church. If many churches can embrace the subculture of hip hop, prosperity gospel, homosexuality and almost everything worldly, (sarcastically stated) then we should have no problem speaking on a disease that kills our people. First, we have to give up sin, then surely we can speak on solutions about preventing HIV/AIDS!
Lets read about what the NAACP has to say about the manual:
LINDA WERTHEIMER, HOST:The number of African-Americans contracting HIV and AIDS runs considerably ahead of the rest of the population. And now the NAACP hopes to harness the power of the black church to help. During its annual convention this week, the civil rights group unveiled a new HIV/AIDS manual. As NPR's Cheryl Corley reports, it's designed to help ministers talk to their congregations about the problem.
Read more from AT2W and download the manual if you'd like!
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