Although, this young woman, Aimee Copeland lost most of her limbs, God still proved his love for her. From this story, we learn that God loves us and will spare our lives, according to our faith. As a child of God, you have to have faith, no matter what struggles you endure. Now, Aimee Copeland may have lost her limbs, but her faith in God brought her out. Although, prayers from her family was necessary in order for God to intervene, God still recognized Copeland yet had to have faith in Him and not give up herself. When we visited a blog set up for Aimee Copeland, we noticed God was reverenced in various articles and so, she is definitely a child of God.We have a lot to learn from Aimee Copeland's trial, now that she is leaving the hospital for rehab and we feel God wants us to learn how to not only trust Him, but to also pray for people we do not know. There are many other patients suffering in the hospital right now and they have lost faith for God to heal them, possibly because they are a sinner, maybe they are a backslider or know God, but because of their family's lack of faith, they just do not trust God. As children of God, we must love those we do not know, just as though they are related to us. We must learn how to have faith for people whom doctors have given up on and never stop praying for their full recovery, because God is a healer. No matter how bad the diagnosis or the previous life they may have lived, God is very fair and love those whom may not even believe in Him. Maybe they once believed in God, but because of their sickness, they do not think He will heal them. This is why God expects for us to have faith for them to be healed and when doing so, we should make very sure they have totally surrendered their lives to Christ. Fortunately, our dear sister, Aimee Copeland is a child of God and this is why God proved Himself. We need to use her testimony to encourage others whom are in a very bad situation in their lives.
We will continue to pray for Aimee Copeland as she is being transferred to rehab. We also pray for her family as she makes her full recovery.Watch Video
Aimee Copeland leaving hospital for rehab
AUGUSTA, Ga. - Aimee Copeland was released from an Augusta hospital on Monday, two months after cutting her leg in a zip lining accident. The 24-year-old Snellville woman has been battling a flesh-eating bacteria ever since the accident, but she left Doctors Hospital with help from her mother, according to the Associated Press. Copeland, a University of West Georgia student, developed necrotizing fasciitis following the accident, and as a result doctors were forced to amputate...
Read full article, here. Source and Photo Courtesy:
MyFOXAtlanta.com Source:
AimeeCopeland.com Video courtesy: http://abcnews.go.com
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