Celebrity Will Smith to direct Biblical film based on Cain and Abel


According to our source, Will Smith will be doing a biblical film in the future, which will be a story about Cain and Abel.  We think it would be a very good idea for this celebrity film star, Will Smith to do this film, since many of the other biblical movies we have watched have been created based on other stories in the Bible.  We are so curious when this movie is going to hit the big screen.

We often wonder about these biblical stories made in Hollywood.  We are not specifically talking about Will Smith, but many others do not seem to admit they are born again Christians, after they have made so much money creating them.   There may not be many biblical stories, but the ones that are produced in Hollywood like after the production of The Passion of the Christ, there was a lot of publicity and money made, but it seemed like many celebrities did not learn anything from them.  It would have been nice to hear many of them publicly announce they  accepted salvation, which includes the producers, directors, actors and actresses.  
So, are these Biblical stories just made for money or are they made to bring souls into God Kingdom and cause the creators to submit to Him?

As for us born again Christians, we will be very interested to see the movie and be touched from it, only if it is made in concurrence with God.  We cannot wait to see this future film Will Smith is planning to direct and after it hits theaters, we will sure give you our review.   God bless Smith for his creativity.

Will Smith to direct Biblical film based on Cain and Abel?


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