First and foremost, we would like to assure you people who are straight (heterosexual) could make the same mistake. So, even if you do not claim to be gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender, you could be risking your soul to hell. However, we are just dealing with homosexuality in this article. This question, 'Do You Love Your Gay or Lesbian Partner More Than God' is for those whom are in a relationship that is not condoned by God. Therefore, if you are in a relationship without being married and faithfully dedicated to one person, then you are not following God and obviously you are giving a silent message to Him, you do not love Him more than than your sex partner. Now, you may say, oh I am married to the same sex. You cannot be married to the same sex, because the Word of God does not condone homosexuality. So, there is no way you can claim to love God. You do not love God, if you are in a same sex marriage and expecting Him to accept it. Therefore, please do not waste your time, claiming you are a Christian.
You must make a decision to walk away from your gay or lesbian partner to prove your love to God. Jesus Christ died for our sins, but we do not have the right to take advantage of his kindness. As a gay or lesbian individual, you may claim you do not love your partner more than God. Really? Then, why are you still opposing biblical commandments that informs each and every last one of us, homosexuality is a sin and no homosexual can enter the Kingdom of heaven? If you are following 10% of society that opposes God's Word that teaches it is a sin to be a homosexual, then you are clearly revealing you have less love for God.

Many of you gays and lesbians maybe trying to bargain with God, claiming the Holy Bible was written by man. That was never true, the Holy Bible was spoken by God through men who followed and had a close relationship with Him. So, the Holy Bible is still just as important as it was in biblical times. You maybe trying to find another excuse claiming to believe in the gospel of Inclusion, but the gospel of Inclusion is nowhere mentioned in God's Word. Furthermore, there definitely is a hell and a Devil. We have given you may previous testimonies of people whom have died and came back to life to tell about how they went on a tour with Jesus Christ to hell. Therefore, there is no way to believe the most popular lie of today, 'God understand and gays and excepts them as they are.' If you believe that lie, you are going to get the worst shock of your life when you take your last breath. Let us tell you about another testimony. It was that of the late Anton Lavey who founded the Church of Satan. When he was on his death bed, he realized he had made the worst mistake and was very sorry for being a Satanist, because he was actually in another place of torment. So after you hear this following video, regarding Antone Lavey's last words, are you still going to believe in the gospel of Inclusion and condone your gay or lesbian relationship? If you do, you not love God and cannot be a Christian, no matter who lies to you as though you are okay as a gay man or a lesbian woman.One more thing, after listening to this video, are you going to be like Anton Lavey, admitting you have made a mistake? Because dear friend, it you die gay or lesbian, it will be everlasting too late. You will not be able to blame those you believed in, teaching a false religion, 'Gospel of Inclusion'. Bishop Carlton Pearson, Bishop Yvette Flunder, Jay Bakker or whomever else is teaching it is okay to be gay or lesbian will burn in their own hell. They will eventually give an account for all of the souls they won for Satan, so they if they do not repent they will have to face judgement, but it will not help you to blame them, because we told you they were preaching a false gospel. You must repent if you are gay or lesbian, because if you do not, you will be just like Anton Lavey, admitting you have done wrong in your life and time will stop for you. Watch Video About Anton Lavey's Deathbed Confession
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