Dear saints of God, this is why it is so very important to get souls saved and although, they may not accept Christ the first time, it is very important to keep sharing the Word of God to them. We do not know if Shannon heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, but if she did and did not accept Him as her personal Savior, wrong actions took her freedom. Furthermore, we tell you no one and nothing is so important that we must act on an instinct to kill another human being. Mr. Rosco Griffin and no other man is that good-looking that it has to result into a murder case.
Shannon Griffin was too intelligent of a woman to care about a man so much to not think about her own life. Let us pray for this woman or any other woman whom maybe in this predicament. However, let us forewarn any of you women or men whom do not know Jesus Christ, get to know Him. Do not take another life and not even your own, because lust is not worth it. You see lust is the issue in this case and because of lust, Shannon's husband was about to leave his wife to be with his mistress, then the demon of murder followed after the demon of lust came in and lured the mind of Rosco Griffin. You see, Satan is very cunning, he uses situations to bring on various other types of demons. Therefore, be very careful and do not be deceived by Satan's tricks. For this very reason, just because our husband or wife may bow down to the demon of lust, do not allow the demon of murder to overtake you. Give your life to Jesus Christ before it is everlasting too late or even before he tricks you to give away your freedom. If you need prayer, we will pray for you. Subscribe to our emails and send a message and someone will respond and pray with you. However, please start off by going to our Salvation page, then watch our videos to become close to Jesus Christ. God bless and stay strong in Him.
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DALLAS - A Granbury woman was arrested in Kansas for allegedly killing her husband's mistress.
The Kansas City Highway Patrol arrested 52-year-old Shannon O'Roark Griffin last week after police received a call from her husband who said she admitted to shooting and killing Dr. Irina Puscariu, a suburban Kansas City psychiatrist.
Roscoe L. Griffin, 62, told detectives he and his wife had been to see a therapist Friday. At that meeting, they discussed divorce and he said "he would not give I. Puscariu up," according to a probable cause statement.
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