AT2W’s Exclusive: Popular L.A. Minister of Music Allegedly Admitted Lesbian Domestic Dispute
It has always seemed like the norm to speak out about black gay men and gay men in the church that it is almost expected. Most of the time when people speak on homosexuality in the church, they automatically equate it to mostly about men who may be gay. For some reason, even the thought of speaking out about women and homosexuality seems terribly taboo.
Well, we don't think many people are oblivious to the fact that homosexuality has claimed the lives of many men and women in our churches for a very long time. Our staff here at AT2W has seen it first hand growing up in holiness, pentecostal and many other faiths of the church. It certainly is nothing new but if people really spoke out about lesbians in the church maybe they could stop hiding behind the thick wall of secrecy. How can anyone really be delivered from homosexuality if we continue to cover it up? It must be exposed in order to allow God to heal and transform them?
So, today we are shedding some light on this issue with some information we received from a source that knows first hand about lesbians in the church.
Note: The story stated below is not our story but from a source with information about this case.
Our anonymous source contacted us with great concern about the issue we stated earlier and is very disturbed my the recent news of a minister of music involved in an alleged...Read full report at: AT2W’s Exclusive: Popular Los Angeles Worship Leader Allegedly Battled Lesbianism in Christian Church | AT2W
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