After We Watched Obnoxious, William McCray III: Take It Serious Bishop Bloomer, People Are Hurting Because of Preachers Like Bishop Eddie Long
We do not think Bishop Bloomer knows the pain of how many men and women endure, after preachers like Bishop Eddie Long allegedly molest them, it is nothing to take lightly. Many African Americans leave the black church, because they are tired of being blamed for honestly admitting they have been sexually abused. Of course, William McCrary can only speak in defense for gay men, but we also are also defending women whom have been abused by men and women, after admitting they have been sexually violated by them. It is not just the gay men whom are taken advantage of, after preachers like Bishop George Bloomer, Bishop Eddie Long and others hire them to sing and choir directors. Many times, gay men do not realize women whom have been also gay have been also in my emotional distress, because they are betrayed by men and the women who support the black preachers whom molest them, even when they are on the down low. So, we applaud William McCrary and his viewpoint, but it is much more betrayal than that and it is time for preachers like Bishop George Bloomer to stop trying to cover it up and just listen, accept the truth, then apologize for all of the pain these sexually perverted preachers have caused within the black church among both men and women.
Does Bishop Bloomer realize how many men and women have tried to live holy as reformed homosexuals, after being turned out as gays and lesbians by the very preachers whom preach against homosexuality? Does Bishop George Bloomer realize there are also many women whom have suffered severe depression after their mother refused to believe their pastors have tried to molest their own child who confided in them and in some cases, did so? Bishop Bloomer should take it very serious, because many men and women become confused after they are told they are demon possessed, after they have honestly admitted to being molested by their family pastors. Let us also remind preachers like Bishop George Bloomer, many men and women are rebuked in front of many black church congregations and told they are full of the Devil, after they have admitted they were approached for sex or even raped by black preachers. This is one of the main reasons why the black community has been destroyed and the black church cannot never help those within it. Too much damage has been done and it is not just because of the drug dealers and those whom by the drugs. The black community is not destroyed just because of crime and those infected with HIV/AIDS. It is because of black preachers whom are not doing their job for Jesus Christ. They offend God when they molest young children, teens and pretend not to understand why they do not return to church as grown black men and women. Bishop George Bloomer should also remember there have been married black preachers whom have infected black men and black women with AIDS and expect them to remain quiet. Let us remind Bloomer and others, God don't like ugly and He sees the pain and why so many African Americans have died within the black church.
Furthermore, doesn't Bishop George Bloomer realize black men and black women have been divided, all because the black church became so greedy for tithes and offerings, over the last 20 years? Yes indeed, black men and black women have not been attracted to each other, since black pastors chose to make their churches mega ministries and by doing so, they have encouraged diversity to influence more bi-racial couples, allegedly. This hurts, after so many black men and black women lost their lives to AIDS. However, money seems to be the reason why there has been so much diversity in the black church and during approximately the last 20 years, black men and black women have avoided each other while they seem to hate each other, even while not in church. Meanwhile, after all the diversity is encourage to allegedly rack in millions of dollars, black men and black women are still allegedly the largest to die of AIDS, according to statistics at So while black preachers are yet trying to gain millions of dollars from diversity in their ministries, black men and black women are yet being molested and the most to have died of AIDS in the country of America. Bishop George Bloomer must realize this hurts and if black preachers do not start waking up, the population of black men and black women will become much less than it already has. Does Bishop George Bloomer realize how many black men and black women have died of AIDS in the black church, there has been many whom have lost their lives other than the late Rev. James Cleveland. Many discreet down low bishops and pastors have pretended not to like being homosexuals while infecting their black wives and fiances. Is there any concern for those women? We want to know if Bishop George Bloomer or Bishop Eddie Long even care to acknowledge these cases of women whom have been sexually violated by these black preachers and been infected with AIDS while they are raking in millions of dollars while reminding everyone one their ministry is multicultural, not necessarily a black church. One of the main reasons why black men and black women hate each other, is simply because a lot of the damage has been caused by black preachers whom encourage black women and black men to marry outside of their race without thinking about all of the cases of black men and black women yet suffering and dying with HIV/AIDS.We would also have wanted Bishop George Bloomer to realize that it is unfair to accuse people like William McCray of being demon possessed just because they admit the truth and desire to stop preachers like Bishop Eddie Long whom allegedly took advantage of black men and black women. People are not full of the Devil just because they admit the truth and desire to put an end to all the pain and suffering, which has destroyed many black men and black women whom tried to live for the Lord, but were emotionally and sexually violated by these "so-call" black bishops, pastors and evangelists. How can people be told they are full of the Devil when black many preachers have allegedly sold their souls to the Devil and made God House into a night club "hip-hop" atmosphere? No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).Source:
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