If you are a truly are a born again Christian, you will see there are not many choices in choosing the future president of the United States. President Barack Obama has endorsed same sex marriages, Newt Gingrich has allegedly made a statement to place African Americans back into the cotton fields. According to Huffington Post, even a 'so-call' black minister, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson agrees with Gingrich and is too ignorant to recognize as a black man, he is placing himself in danger to be enslaved where he said he once was, thirty years ago. Also, by Rick Perry dropping out and now supporting Newt Gingrich only reveals we did not have many choices to begin with. By President Obama choosing to endorse sin and oppose the Word of God that informs us not to take part in homosexuality has did nothing but brought back on an extreme demon of white supremacy. You see, we cannot combat racial discrimination, if we agree with sin. God cannot and will not defend a rebellious race whom mostly has opposed His biblical commandments.
Since the civil rights movement and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, God has given black people a chance to repent, but many have chosen to yield to the ways of the world and follow the evil ways of other tribes whom do not believe in God. Jesus Christ has a time limit and as many years past, many African Americans have refused to obey God. The very Word that saved and released black slaves from their slave masters is what they call 'the white man's Bible'. How dare any black person call it the 'the white man's book' and not respect it for what it is when God gave us freedom and equality within society since the evil era of slavery for over 400 years?
None if the presidential candidates are right to lead the United States of America and now is the time for all races to come to Jesus Christ and repent before it is everlasting too late. For too long, not just black people like Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, also other races have idolized white supremacists and not worshiped God nor honored or obeyed Jesus Christ. Saints of God, it is time for us to pray like never before and completely focus on Him and His Word. We are living in an evil day. There is no time for making God's church a mega ministry and welcome a hip hop, rock and night club atmosphere. It is time for total submission to God and to be completely holy, without any rebellion.
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BREAKING: Perry drops out, endorses Gingrich
CNN Political Reporter Peter Hamby (CNN) – Texas Gov. Rick Perry suspended his struggling presidential campaign Thursday and threw his support to Newt Gingrich, a development that could alter the dynamics of the Republican race just two days before the tightening South Carolina primary.
"I believe Newt is a conservative visionary who can transform our country. We've had our differences, which campaigns will inevitably have, and Newt is not perfect, but who among us is?" Perry said at a press conference in Charleston, South Carolina...
Read full article, here.Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.comphoto courtesy: http://www.leftofcollegestation.com
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