From his research during this, the data presented Rokhmin Dahuri
marine life that could potentially be developed into a nutritious food source. Among others:
1. Sponges and soft corals, containing various types of
bioactive compounds that are useful as an anticancer drug, antibacterial, antiasma, and antifouling. Other bioactive compounds from
sponges and commonly used in pharmaceutical industries, among others bastadin, okadaic acid, and monoalide.
Sponges, sea anemones, hydriods, soft corals, polychaetes, molluscs, barnacles — invertebrate marine life is more diverse when the water flows faster. (Picture from: |
2. Some types of micro algae has the potential to produce bioactive materials. For example,
Spirulina spp. contain pycocyanin, full of vitamins and minerals, and calcium with levels three times higher than animal milk. Spirulina spp. also contain iron three times more than spinach.
3. Shells of crustaceans such as shrimp, crab, small crab, and lobster into khitin and khitosan which has been widely used in paper industry, textiles, adhesives, and wound healing drugs. Khitin extraction from shrimp shells and mussels can produce glucosamine is useful to strengthen and heal bones and joints.
4. Sea invertebrate like Tridemnum sp. which contains the active ingredient B-16 melanoma and M5076 sarcoma cure for leukemia. Turtle shell extracted to cure wounds and tetanus. Extracts of sea horses for tranquilizers or sleeping pills. Bile puffer fish contain tetrodotoxin compounds that can be used as a drug to repair the damaged brain.
5. Several species of marine fish, such as lemuru, song, bass, and tuna, contain various bioactive materials. Among other things,
omega-3 fatty acid that serves vital to increase the intelligence and maintain a healthy heart and joints. Sgualene can be extracted from oil swordfish, khondroitin from shark cartilage fish and stingrays, tuna collagen from fish scales. All three are bioactive compounds are efficacious as an anti-aging, skin smoothing, skin whitening, and anti-cancer.
6. Sea cucumbers or sea urchins, sea echinoderms a member who was a prima donna in Malaysia and Indonesia. Animals of this genus Holuturia, in addition to having a sense of delicious, nutritious medicine because it contains essential amino acids complete. Sea cucumbers as efficacious drugs to overcome disease cirrhosis of the liver, uterine, and help cure disease stroke, asthma, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, gout, and arthritis.
7. Various species of seaweed such as
Eucheuma spp.,
Sargassum spp., Gracillaria spp., Padina spp., And
Halimeda spp. karaginan containing organic compounds,
agar-agar, and alginate. Karaginan in Eucheuma spp. used as a producer of stabilizers, thickeners, formers, gel, and the prevention of crystallization in the food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Agar-agar is used in the food industry, pharmacy, microbiology, and is used as the manufacture of soap, ointments, and moisturizers.
8. Micro-algae and macro-algae as a producer of biofuels (biofuels) promising prospect. When this has been identified as many as 13 species of micro algae that potentially contain fat which can be converted into biofuels.
Botryococcus braunii is a green, pyramid shaped planktonic microalga that is of potentially great importance in the field of biotechnology. (Picture from: |
Four species of which the most potential for commercialization is Nannocholoropsis oculata (24 percent),
Scenedesmus (22 percent),
Chlorella (20 percent), and
Botryococcus braunii (20 percent). Some species of seaweed are also potentially be processed into antifouling compounds.