Sacramento Pastor Lynda Synder of United Methodist Church Killed by Flesh-Eating Bacteria: What Can Be Done About This Spreading Disease?

No one would ever expect a person of faith to die from this flesh-eating bacteria, but Linda Synder of Sacramento's United Methodist church has just died from complications of this deadly disease.    If you recall, Aimee Copeland of Georgia has been a survivor, losing her leg, foot and both hands, then there were three other victims, prior.  This disease is spreading and it can begin eating the flesh, if you have an open wound, but could be stopped if you immediately wash and clean your open wound, according to the physician on the following video.   SCR readers, this is a very serious issue, but the only way to combat it, just like the other various issues that has been spiritually attacking the body of Christ on a daily basis is to fast, pray and live right, according to God's Word.  Of course, we are not insinuating these victims were not following God's precepts, we are just making sure we remain in total submission to God and His Word.
As you know, we are now living in a wicked nation.   America has turned away from God and ignored God's commandments.   Many times, God will allow things to occur, in order to get our attention.   You may say, well how could this flesh-eating bacteria touch this woman of God, Linda Synder?   God also uses people in the body of Christ to the attention of others whom may not be adhering to God's voice.   According to Pastor Synder's daughter, her mother loved the Lord and was a woman of faith, so all this reveals is that God may have allowed it, to get the attention of those in various churches across this nation whom are yet alive and not taken God's commandments, seriously.   We believe Pastor Synder was indeed a woman of faith, but because many pastors all over this nation maybe following the wicked ways of the world, God may allow even the righteous to be an example to get His children to take heed and yield to His will and His way.   This is how bad many pastors of churches have become, not just this world full of sinners, they have been in extreme rebellion.  For example, many pastors have yielded to accepting gay marriage in the church and do not even care how God opposes it.  They have not preached against abortion.   It is very sad, if God used this woman for hypocrites in the body of Christ to take heed, but if it is so, we must accept it and be holy before the nation.   Therefore, we believe this flesh-eating bacteria is a spiritual issue.   God may have allowed a curse to begin in this nation and now within the church as a sign of His wrath.   If you recall the actual occurrence in the Bible about the children of Israel, God's wrath was against them, because they refuse to obey and yield to His commandments.  Think about it, many of the children of Israel once knew God, because He told them to return to Him and obey His commandments.  The children of Israel was enslaved by King Pharaoh, a rebellious ruler.   God repeatedly sent all sorts of plagues to get the attention of King Pharaoh, but He did not want to yield and the children of Israel did not want to stop the sin in their lives.  A lot of sickness and disease hits a nation, because of sin and in order to get people's attention, God could use a person whom has done nothing wrong in their lives, for His own reason.  You may say not so, but because God created us, He can decide how he wakes up a rebellious nation to yield to voice.   In 2 Chronicles 7:14, it says this: 'If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.'   Then, in Psalm 91, it says, 'Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence.'  So yes, if we are saved and covered with the blood of Jesus, God will protect us as King David said, but we cannot agree with sin and continue in a nation among people whom claim to know Jesus Christ, but will not speak out against it, because of an alleged wicked ruler.

What can be done about this spreading disease, flesh-eating bacteria?  Saints of God, let us allow the Kingdom of God abide within our lives on a daily basis.  Let us show love to everyone, but not agree with sin.  As we have told you so many times before, we must completely separate from the world and have no affiliation with those whom agree with sin, even in the church.   We must start a holy nation among us within the body of Christ while living on this wicked land of America and even in foreign nations.  Since, President Obama has endorsed same-sex marriage and supported the gay and lesbian community, we have seen part of the body of Christ shift away from God's Word.  We have seen many pastors of the black church choose gay marriage as a civil rights issue and agree to connect it to racial discrimination.   We have seen Satanic forces rule over the lives of young toddlers whom have requested for their parents to change their sex and many famous people like Oprah Winfrey, allegedly accepted it and allegedly supported transgenderism.   We have heard many African Americans deny the Word of God, calling it the "white man's Bible" and identifying God as being white. We have seen many churches whom were supposed to be full gospel turn into gay affirming ministries.   Brothers and sisters in Christ, God is calling for the nation of America to repent.  He is most definitely angry at the church for remaining silent while a demonic force has been dominating through politics.   God's original plan for marriage has been resented among those whom claim to be born again Christians.   The only way to completely diminish this plague is for all pastors to completely submit to God's will and preach holiness, according to His Word. You cannot add nor subtract from it, which mentioned several times in the Bible.  God has been trying to prepare the body of Christ to win souls, but because His commandments has been ignored by many whom claim to know Him, they cannot witness to anyone unless they get right themselves.  

Let us pray and bind the Devil that is trying to our nation through this deadly disease:

Father, we come before you right now, humbly submitting to your presence.   Lord God, we are concerned because this deadly disease, flesh-eating bacteria has now destroyed the life of our dear sister, Pastor Linda Synder.   If this is your way you are trying to get the attention of today's rebellious church, God we humbly want to take heed to your voice.   Lord, we know the only way we can stop pestilence and disease trying to kill many innocent people in our country whom may not be born again Christians, is to clean up the body of Christ, first.   We feel many pastors whom have rebelled against your Word have allowed this evil disease to come in and destroy the life of our dear sister. We feel they are partly responsible.  So now, God we are asking you to save the entire body of Christ and protect us from all evil.  If there is anything in our lives that should not be, we ask that you take it out.   Save us from anything that is not like you.   God purify our souls and redeem us from unrighteous thoughts, evil words and actions.    All of your children of all races are calling on your right now, dear Father.   We want to repent and bind the enemy that has been trying to destroy our world through not only this flesh-eating bacteria, but all other sorts of diseases in previous times.   We bind the Devil and His demons right now.  Satan, go back to the pit where you came from, the blood of Jesus is against you.  Leave our brothers and sisters of all races alone, right now.  Lord God, we ask you to lead and guide us.   Give our brothers and sisters a mind to be holy and not live double-lives.   Help your children not to back down and agree with sin.  We bind the demon of carnality in the church.  We bind the demon of witchcraft in this nation.  We pray for our political leaders in this country.  We ask you to save our president and speak to his heart, lead him to complete righteousness, dear Father.   Give our president a mind to accept the complete Word of God and not condone sin. We pray for the entire Obama family and all of the other politicians.  Now as we end this prayer, we pray that you strengthen the family of the late Pastor Linda Synder.  They may not understand why she is gone, but Lord, we know you know all things and now have her in your eternal care.   We pray all these things in your precious name, Jesus.  Amen.

May our dear sister, Pastor Linda Synder rest in peace.

Now, if you desire to be saved and learn how to live holy, according to God's Word, we invite you to go directly to our Salvation page to do so.   Then, if you desire to learn how to live holy, please go to our Videos page where you will hear sermons of many dynamic preachers that will help you live as a righteous saint, according to God's Word.  We also have a new page that features testimonies of ex-homosexuals.   If you are gay or lesbian and wish to change, please go there now and hear what God has done for our dear brothers and sisters who have been saved and delivered from homosexuality.

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Family, Community Mourn Loss of Pastor Killed by Flesh-Eating Bacteria

Pastor Linda Snyder, of Sacramento's United Methodist Church, died Tuesday from complications from necrotizing fasciitis – commonly referred to as "flesh-eating bacteria."

Snyder had been with the church for a decade when she developed a wound, possibly an abscess. She was rushed to the hospital Jan. 6 when the wound had been taken over by necrotizing fasciitis.

Her loved ones can laugh as they remember her...Read full article, here.

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