R. Emmett Tyrrell Says Liberalism is on its way out and conservatism will return: The Black Church Must Return to Complete Biblical Principles

R. Emmett Tyrrell recently wrote a book called, 'The Death of Liberalism', which explains how liberalism became socialism.  He also mentions what occurred during the end of the 19th century and how this nation of America steered away from the values of our forefathers.   Those of us whom were raised in the black church can recall how it has changed from previous years until now can truly say, there has been a great wave of rebellion against God.   The black community usually is either negatively or positively impacted by the black church and we have seen many pastors join the crusade to support President Barack Obama, regardless of the morals and values that were taught to us from those whom raised us.   The foundation of the black church no longer seems strong enough to make a positive impact for lost souls within the black community to fully submit to God.   

We agree with R. Emmett Tyrrell, strong original conservative values will return to America, but we believe it will be all races whom will make sure it returns based on biblical principles.   The biggest mistake throughout our American history is that conservatism was known as a movement that was allegedly dominated by some white supremacists, but now since we are more diverse, this country will indeed return conservatism based on biblical principles and not man-made principles.   We honor the framers of America, but we must admit Satanic forces created the slave trade and this got a lot of unbelievers today thinking that the Bible that was given to the African slaves was the white man's Bible, written by white men to offer a white god to those whom were emotionally and physically tormented as inferior beings.   The Devil twisted American history so a lot of black people would not believe and think they did not have to serve God or obey His precepts.    Therefore, we can recall back in the 1980's when President Ronald Reagan was in office, many white Republicans allegedly carried on that myth and it caused racism to be the subject in the households of many Americans, both white and black.   If Mitt Romney should win and R. Emmit Tyrrell believes he will, this would be a good time for all races to throw away conversations about slavery.   We can no longer focus on the history of slavery in America, because that is what got us in trouble in the first place.   When we spent many years focusing on how African Americans were mistreated and even recent situations like Trayvon Martin, it took our eyes of Jesus Christ.   The time is now for all races to submit to God and if conservatism returns, let it be dominated by God and not ruled by racial issues.   Let us return to complete Biblical principles and always remain in constant prayer and if there should be any racial discrimination, let us have revivals and prayer meetings with no discussion, regarding any sort of national cases similar to Trayvon Martin.   Let us give you an example, the Klu Klux Klan is trying to adopt a highway in Atlanta, Georgia. Do you think that issue is for the body of Christ to discuss or be concerned about it?   Absolutely not, we are supposed to ignore it and pray for all haters in every race.   

In conclusion, when November's presidential election comes and if Mitt Romney wins, it is our duty to make sure we return the conservatism, only based on God's Word.   If many African Americans within the black church refused to accept Mitt Romney because he is white, then we have no choice but to no longer fellowship with them and just pray for them.   Let entire body of Christ of all races return to conservative values, only based on biblical principles, after November's presidential election.


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Tyrrell: Take Heart! Liberalism Is On Its Way Out

by Julia Williams

America's founding fathers risked their lives, their fortunes, and even their families for the birth of this republic, a government in which supreme power rests in the hands of the people.

The only thing they asked in return is for future generations to keep it pure. But one journalist says Americans are failing at their duty to guard their constitutional freedoms.

R. Emmett Tyrrell, founder and editor-in-chief of the American Spectator, says the enemy that threatens America is not some outside force.

It's more insidious: a movement of elites, academics...Read full article, here.

Source and Video: CBN.com



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