Usually Craigslist has had an alleged bad reputation for negative news coverage, but this particular story hits the media by shock. One woman placed an ad on Craigslist for someone to donate a kidney. Possibly, this story will bring a great impression on those who should only place ads for being in desperate need. Furthermore, this story reveals God is still a miracle worker and will not fail you. Usually, people give up faith and give into a condition that leads to death, but 28-year-old Selina Hodge's amazing faith gave her a kidney just by placing a simple ad on Craigslist and 23-year-old Stephanie Grant answered her ad and had a match for her.
Selina Grant's miraculous story should give anyone faith and hope that things will change for the better. It does not matter what you have been diagnosed with or what the doctors say, if you follow your mind and your spirit to trust God, you most likely will witness a miracle like Selina.
By blessing Selina, Stephanie will be blessed, because she did not hesitate when she saw the ad. Therefore, if it was not meant to be, God would not have allowed her kidney to be a match. What an amazing God we serve.
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Craigslist organ donor: Kidney transplant made possible with Florida woman’s ‘help needed’ classified
Both women are now 'doing fine' after surgeries
A young Florida woman desperately seeking a kidney donor turned to Craigslist as a last ditch effort to save her own life--and she got what she was looking for.
Selina Hodge, 28, from Miami posted her plea in July hoping a generous soul would help her.
"I turned to Craigslist, because I didn't know where else to turn to," Hodge, who suffers from an undiscoled illness, said in a report from Florida's WPTV.
Her request returned over 800 responses from around the world, one from a woman who lives just a few miles away in Palm Beach.
Stephanie Grant, 23, heard about Hodge's plight on the news and decided to step in, sacrificing her own...
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