Our staff here at AT2W have been compiling information about Bishop Long's New Birth Church and the many 'spiritual sons' that have followed in his footsteps. Many of his longtime supporting 'sons' have been under Bishop Long's wing for many years and when Bishop Long was ready to expand his ever so powerful 'New Birth' brand, those men were willing, able and readily equipped to start a new church to add to Eddie Long church franchise.
With that being said, these devoted 'spiritual sons' were not receiving such a gracious gift without a hefty cost. According to I Am Speaking Truth blog, in 2004, the fee to carry a New Birth branded church license was $10,000 per year. This probably did not include a percentage of tithes and offerings their bishop is to receive on a monthly basis. The I Am Speaking Truth blog gets his information straight from experience since he had been under the leadership of Eddie Long for 12 years.
So, we have compiled some information that has shown that either Bishop Long has severed ties with some of his spiritual sons or they have decided to 'leave and cleave' from their spiritual daddy. We are inclined to think some of them have found reasons to break off from Bishop Eddie Long.
We will explore the many branches of the New Birth
satellite churches and see just whose still incorporated with the NB brand.
satellite churches and see just whose still incorporated with the NB brand.
In a previous post, we listed all of the churches we knew at the time that was affiliated with Bishop Long's New Birth brand of allies:
Read the full report at AT2W
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