Hermain and Gloria Cain Make a Touching Christmas Video: God's Example of Love, Forgiveness and Commitment?

When we watched this video, we wondered is this couple really serious about their marriage.  Herman and Gloria Cain are setting a true example of how a real marriage should be, if they are.   After 43 years of marriage, we sincerely hope Herman and Gloria Cain are setting a true example of love, forgiveness and commitment, something we no longer see much of in heterosexual marriages.  In these last and evil days, we are seeing more homosexual couples united than the way God designed it to be between men and women in matrimony.  So, if Herman and Gloria Cain are seriously in love, we praise God for them, because we need more couples like them.  Furthermore, in this age of the homosexual community trying to dominate society, it is no time for heterosexual couples to divorce, of course not unless the marriage was struggling to survive off of down low scandals like Bishop Eddie and First Lady Vanessa Long. 

Herman and Gloria Cain can be seen on this following video revealing how God expects today's heterosexual marriage to be.   God loves to see men and women bonding after Satan tried to destroy their marriage through alleged lust.   Herman Cain is a smart man and it is not just because of his hard work, but his wife, Gloria was his rib, always standing beside him during his years as an entrepreneur.   On this Christmas video, we see a man and woman holding on, despite Herman Cain's past alleged adulterous affairs.   We see a strong woman, Gloria Cain being a true woman God expects for all women of Jesus Christ to be.   She looks humble and not angry.   We need a strong couple like Herman and Gloria Cain whom oppose homosexuality and were ready to be a perfect couple in an age of such iniquity in America.

Furthermore, we pray for Herman and Gloria Cain and wish them many more happy years in marriage and may God bless them both this Christmas.

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Video and Source:  http://www.nypost.com
video source and photo courtesy: http://www.youtube.com/user/thehermancain


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