Video: Texas Couple Prepares for Armageddon; Are You Ready To Meet Jesus Christ?

This Texas couple are preparing themselves for Armageddon.   However, if Armageddon is coming, then Jesus Christ is coming back for His children.  We just would like to ask you a very important question, are you ready to meet Jesus Christ when He returns?  A lot of people are preparing themselves, if there should be war without even preparing to go to heaven.   God wants us to be ready to be caught up in the rapture.  He does not want us to fear, but to prepare our souls to be completely full of our sins.   It does not matter, if you are a liar, thief, homosexual, adulterer, fornicator, an atheist or idolater, it is time to get right with the Lord.   When Jesus Christ comes back for us, He wants us to be cleansed of our sins without blemish.  Yes, we may make mistakes, but God knows our heart.   So, just to sum up this introduction, answer this very important question.  When you watch these reports, do you ever wonder about your own soul?   Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ?

Throughout the entirety of this video, we did not hear anything about Jesus Christ, not unless we were not listening good.  Jesus Christ is who we should be preparing for, not doomsday or Armageddon.  This is very serious, because God created the universe and He wants us to love and respect His Son, Jesus Christ who died on the holy cross for our sins, not focusing on how we should prepare, if we are still stuck here, after the end of the world.   How serious is our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ?  That is what we should be focusing on, nothing else.   How often do we talk to Jesus Christ?  Have we forgiven everyone, although we may still be hurt about how they mistreated us?   You know, are we doing soul-searching on an individual basis, whenever we are awake?   Because we must be completely righteous, in order to go back with Jesus Christ when He comes.   It does not matter who does not forgive us, all that matters is if we have forgiven ourselves and other people.  We can ask people to forgive us, but if they do not all we can do is pray for them and continue to make sure other people are going with us to heaven when Jesus Christ comes back for us.   

Furthermore, this Texas couple maybe missing the whole point, because God does not want us to fear, but make sure we are living a completely holy life, that's it.  

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