Six Reasons Why Ministers: Pastors, Bishops and Evangelists Should Not Condone Homosexuality and Even Same Sex Marriage

There are various reasons why pastors should not condone homosexuality.  This subject came up, after we did an article about Pastor Delman Coates of Clinton, Maryland who so proudly has been speaking out for the support of same sex marriages.   This makes God very angry when pastors like Coates seem to desire to satisfy people and not think about how God feels and in God's Word, He already let us know He does not approve.   Therefore, this issue should make us very angry, also.   You see we are living in a wicked era that reveals such rebellion against God's Word.   Pastors would rather be in the popular circle of our president whom has supported same sex marriages, instead of following this following scriptures at the end of this article.   God recalls the history of the America and He is not happy about equality being an excuse for ignoring His commandments against homosexuality.   God also recalls the history of African Americans, when we were enslaved and endured such unfair treatment and in many cases still do.  He does not like pastors of any race condoning what He calls sin and holds them to a higher standard.   There is going to be an afterlife for all ministers of the gospel, whether they be pastors, evangelists, bishops and even music ministers.   God will either allow Satan's demons to pull their soul into hell, along with sinners or if these men and women of God have lived a righteous life, they will be in heaven with Jesus Christ and the angels.   Please pay very close attention with what you preach in God's pulpit, because there have been people whom have died and saw the lake of fire with millions of souls burning, especially for homosexuals and then some have also seen ministers burning in their own hell.  We will also reveal that testimony at the end of this post.

We want you to know just because you maybe a kind and considerate pastor who teaches people about loving everybody, you cannot avoid teaching about sin.   God is love, but He also hates sin.   Of course, if you are a pastor or any other sort of minister, you are not an ignorant person.  Therefore, you do recall God told us in His Word, we are not to add nor subtract from His Word.  These scriptures can be found in Revelation 22:19, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6.   Therefore, if you are an African American pastor like Pastor Delman Coates and you feel like you are doing a good deed to among those whom are agreeing same sex marriage or even homosexuality, possibly because Barack Obama is the first black president and many black ministers have chose not to preach against it, then you need to re-evaluate how you are preaching your sermons.   All sorts of love is not love, what many people call love is is lust and like we said before, you are not ignorant, you know the Holy Scriptures well enough to have became ordained and preached to your congregation, so you are not excused (Read Romans 1:20).
  1. Ministers should not agree with homosexuality, because in God's Word, the Holy Bible, it says it is wrong for men to be with men and women to be with women.  Therefore, there is no way any minister to say it is okay with God for the same sex to marry.  If homosexuality offends God, then homosexuality should offend ministers and even those who proclaim salvation.   Same-sex marriage will never be made righteous in the eyes of God, because God opposed homosexuality since biblical time, in the Old and New Testament.
  2. There have been actual testimonies of people who went on a tour to hell with Jesus Christ and saw the lake of fire for gay men and lesbian women.
  3. There have been actual testimonies of people who went on a tour to hell with Jesus Christ and saw ministers burning in their own individual flame.  Jesus told those whom visited with him, they were there for not preaching His full gospel.  They did not preach everything they were supposed to and so some of the most respected ministers, even in the Pentecostal church are in hell, forever.   
  4. Ministers, whether they be pastors, bishops and evangelists who approve of same sex marriage do not only offend God, they are messing up His creation.   When a minister has chosen to condone same sex marriage before a committee and before the entire nation, they are assisting the demon of homosexuality.   They are offending the heterosexual community whom desires to be with the opposite sex, because they are taking away love and affection the way God has designed it to be.  Therefore, they are giving men and women less chances to make babies and create future generations of any race.   Babies need to be naturally born between men and women and when these ministers support homosexuality and same sex marriage, they create the lack of attraction between men and women.
  5. Ministers should not condone same sex marriage, because if they attend a church that has a history of marriages between men and women, they could be the cause of their marriage breaking up, by allowing same sex couples to marry.  For example, say a man and a woman met and got married in a church and have been together for let's say, about 30 years, then all of a sudden a pastor makes an announcement after so many years, he is now allowing same sex couples to marry in his or her church.  This could cause a lot of trouble in a marriage if a husband divorces his wife to marry a gay man whom has joined the church.  It could also cause a wife to divorce her husband, if she is attracted to a lesbian woman whom has joined the church.   Then that same pastor who married the man and the woman, eventually marries these same sex couples without giving any consideration for the previous marriage between the man and the woman whom once married in his church.  Is God pleased with this sort of mess?  Absolutely not, because it causes conflict.
  6. Children grow up confused and may question their own sexuality at a very early age, if they are in a sort of church that condones homosexuality and even same sex marriage.   God does not want children thinking about their sexual identity in the first place, He wants them to focus on their school work and in the Word of God.   Back in the early days of the 1980's on back, it was unheard of for children to question their sexual identity, especially in the church.   Therefore, God is holding men and women of His Word responsible for what they preach, because what they preach also affects children and they should not grow up confused about whom God made them to be.
Scriptures Against Homosexuality
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
  • Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
  • Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
  • Romans 1:26-27 - "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
 In conclusion, even if these ministers like Pastor Delman Coates, Rev. Al Sharpton or any other one are civil rights activists for African Americans, we should not be following them if they agree with homosexuality and even same sex marriage.  Also, we believe in praying for those in government, our politicians, but we cannot and will not ever condone sin.

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Source: Spirit Lessons


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