The charges were leveled in a federal lawsuit filed by Crouch granddaughter Brittany Koper (far left) against her former lawyers, who also do legal work for Trinity. One of those lawyers said her charges were "outright fiction and wholly without merit."
On Thursday, Feb. 9 -- the same day that our story ran online -- Paul Crouch and his son, Matt, were having a live chat on TBN's "Behind the Scenes." Paul was reminiscing about how TBN began back in 1973 -- God spoke to him as he was driving on MacArthur Boulevard -- and the conversation took a turn that Koper's attorney finds somewhat menacing.
"You know what's funny Dad?" Matt said (at minute 8:38 on the video). "There have been a few attempts in the TBN history to upset TBN, to stop TBN, to -- there have been a few fools in the 38, 39 year history, coming up on 40 years, and you know what, any attempt at stopping TBN -- they have no idea who they're actually pushing into the corner. You and Mom get pushed in a corner, God help you. That's a lesson I've learned from you, seriously."
Read more at:
TBN’s Son Allegedly Threatens to Kill the Granddaughter of Paul and Jan Crouch? | AT2W
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