Convicted Sex Offender Darrell Gilyard: Back Behind The Pulpit?
We are truly appalled. Darrell Gilyard has just been released from prison for committing sex crimes against minors and less than two months later, he is preaching in the church. One has to ask the question: what church would really permit him back behind their pulpit knowing what they know about him? Surely people can change, but should he really be working in the same capacity that he did while committing these crimes?
Read report below:
Gilyard, 49, said he accepted the late January offer to preach at Christ Tabernacle Baptist Church because "he needed money" and felt God calling him back into ministry. Being a registered sex offender was making it hard for him to get jobs in prison ministries or working with ex-offenders, he added.
About 150 attended his first service on Jan. 29 — up from a normal attendance at that church of five to 10, Gilyard and the church’s lay leaders said Friday.
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Pastor Darrell Gilyard: Convicted Sex Offender Back Behind The Pulpit After Recent Prison Release | AT2W
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