Pastor Eric Sanders Arrested for Stealing From Former Disabled Church Member


One of the things we paid attention to when listening to the testimony of Minister Mary K. Baxter, is that Jesus is watching when ministers steal from their parishioners, it does not matter if they are living a lavish lifestyle off of tithes and offerings or by taking it out of someone's account like this pastor, Eric D. Sanders, theft is wrong in the eyes of God.  It is important to God when someone is abused in any sort of why by the pastor or his/her parishioners.  Pastor Eric Sanders may have thought because he was a pastor, he had the right to steal money from this woman's bank account, but the law has revealed anyone whom steal from anyone will face prosecution.  Even worse, the woman just lost her husband, she is not just mentally disabled, her husband died.

It is very sad that some who claim to be messengers for Jesus Christ have no concern for how they hurt and take advantage of people.  However, for every time they have stole or even mistreated someone, God is taking record.   God cares about this mentally disabled women Eric D. Sanders allegedly stole from.  This is an issue we do not discuss much, but whenever there are mentally ill people in the congregation, people easily take advantage of them, thinking they do not have sense to recognize when they are being mistreated.  Obviously, this 53-year-old identified woman is very intelligent, because when she discovered her money was gone, she told her case worker to contact police.  The mentally disabled or those whom people think are mentally ill have been mistreated in the church for too long and it is time it comes to an end.  This woman may have some emotional issues, but she is very intelligent and did not deserve for Eric Sanders to steal her money.

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Church leader accused of stealing

The pastor of a local church was arrested Tuesday and was accused of stealing more than $13,000 from a former parishioner, a State Police investigator said in an arrest warrant.

Eric D. Sanders, the pastor of The House of Repentance Baptist Church on GSRI Avenue near Gardere Lane, withdrew $13,459 from the bank account of a 53-year-old woman who attended his church in 2010, the investigator says in the warrant.

The woman who, according to the warrant, is mentally ill and receives monthly disability checks from the government...Read full article, here.

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