It's so wonderful to hear these reports that reveal God's miracles still working in the 21st century. Tell us, if God is not real, then how is it this stillborn baby in the morgue came alive? We want to assure you God is still working miracles, but because of carnality within the body of Christ and many of them mingling with evil in world is why we do not hear of many testimonies such as this one. This mother, Analia Bouter appears to be in another country, but God is real all over the world and we can only experience his wonders, if we remain focused on Him and completely yield to His commandments.
This is why we encourage the body of Christ to remain focused on God and not yearn to mingle with people whom are not serving God. Most churches have lost operating in such miracles, because they focused satisfying sinners and not satisfying God nor submitting to His biblical commandments. In order for babies and even adults to come back to life in morgues, hospitals, homes and various places where they die, the body of Christ must fully submit to God's will and stop satisfying people in order to gain membership within their churches. Most ministries desire popularity and desire to attract people whom idolize their pastors, but what they do not realize is this very fact, you cannot perform miracles, unless God is the only one worshiped and praised, not the pastor, bishop, evangelist or praise team. This is the reason why we see these miracles every once in a while. Those of you whom truly love God and do not mind completely following His precepts, no doubt desire to see these miracles occur more often. People coming back to life and getting healed from all sorts of incurable diseases must occur more often among us, but we must make sure we are following God and not the wicked ways of this world.
Let us distance ourselves from hypocrisy within the church. On a daily basis, let us make sure we pray for complete holiness to return within the body of Christ, if not, we should not fellowship with those whom refuse to follow God's Word, because too many people, adults and babies are dying before their time. They are afflicted with deadly diseases, they should not have to carry. We will never see a great amount of miracles occur like in the previous days of Kathryn Kuhlman and Amy McPherson again, unless born again Christians thirst after righteousness, not fame and fortune. Matthew 5:6 says this: 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.' You see, we can only perform miracles, if we are completely righteous. We will be filled with blessings of raising the dead, healing the sick and other sorts of blessings, if we hunger and thirst, after righteousness, there is no other way for these miracles to happen. Therefore, in order for us to reveal God's wonders, let us get seriously busy for God.
'I fell to my knees when I saw her': Mother finds 'stillborn' baby ALIVE in morgue 12 hours after she was pronounced dead
By Nina Golgowski and Matt Roper
A 'stillborn' baby was found alive in a drawer in a hospital morgue by her distressed mother 12 hours after the girl was declared dead, it emerged today.Analia Bouter was 26 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to her fifth child prematurely at a hospital in Resistencia, in Argentina's northern Chaco province.But after medical staff told her that the infant was born with no vital signs, her distraught parents went home with a death...Read full article, here.Source, Video and Photo Courtesy:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk Photo Courtesy: C5N
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