Are We Being ''BI'' SEXUAL with GOD? By Shofar B. Apostasy Watchdog
So we do warn you it is a bit graphic and we apologize if it offends anyone but take the truth from it, please.
By Shofar B. Apostasy Watchdog
Before you get TOO startled about the title of this note, allow me to exegete why I asked this question..in context with the thought. As ALWAYS...I MUST...back up anything I have to say with scripture...AND AS ALWAYS...I am open to input, and CORRECTION. So, let me start here...I'm Sure you've heard that at some point that JESUS will say to some of us..''I NEVER...''KNEW'' YOU! For all of you hermanutical experts out there, you DO realize that ....
Read full note at AT2W.
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