Former Deputy, Robert McClain, 38, was very angry, because he discovered his wife had an affair with a younger man, a former American Idol contestant. He is now facing life in prison for allegedly beating, torturing and sexually assaulting his wife and making her torture her boyfriend by castrating him, after he allegedly tortured him, also. Now, what this former sheriff's deputy did was wrong, but according to his wife's alleged claim, he was already jealous of her being attracted to other men, previously. In our opinion, that's when she should have left him, because if there is an attraction to other men outside of the marriage, of course, there is going to be problems. However, Robert McClain definitely had a responsibility to leave his wife whom he felt was being unfaithful to him, instead of torturing and abusing she and her lover in all sorts of ways. He had a responsibility to find out what was going on inside of him. If his wife was having attractions to other men before and in this case had an affair with a younger man, obviously, it is going to automatically cause him to be insecure. Therefore, he had a spiritual option and that was to seek God and just simply walk away.
God does not want divorce, but-if He was not the center of Robert McClain and his wife's marriage, what reason is there to be one yoke? You can only remain together in matrimony in peace, if God is in full control of the marriage.
We want you to see what we are trying to reveal to you. Robert McClain would not be facing life in prison, if he would have loved God more than his wife. This was an insanely jealous man who snapped for the last time, because obviously there were repeated situations of conflict within his marriage. God is always trying to let us know always focusing on what others are doing is nothing we can change, we can only change ourselves. Therefore, if his wife chose to be we a younger man, God would have rather Robert McClain to show his ultimate love for Him and just simply walk away. You may think it is not simple, but when you think about what control another human being can have over how you may react when they boldly flaunt their lustful communications with other people in a negative way, you will discover how easy it is to walk away. If Robert McClain would have thought about how more important his soul was to God than his wife's attraction to be with this younger man, he could have avoided this present situation of now possibly facing spending the rest of his life in prison. You see, there is an inner voice God gives us and that voice speaks to our souls and gives us options to either love God more than humanity or allow humanity to control us to idolize them, instead. As you know, God's Word tells us, idolatry is a sin and so it seems like the more a person whom is married may lust, the more their wife or husband may love them more than God, if they are not true born again Christians.
It is so very important to realize that God must be the head of our marriages and He cannot heal troubled marriages, not unless we choose to make Him the head of our lives. No one or nothing should be more important to us than God. No one is so attractive that they should be loved more than God. This is the very reason why people are always snapping, if they have a failed relationship or marriage, because God is not the center of their lives and we are so afraid this was the case with Robert McClain. However, we pray that he now seeks God and serves Jesus Christ. We also pray for his victims, his wife and her boyfriend. We pray that McClain's wife and boyfriend make a full recovery, not just physically, but also spiritually.
Deputy goes on trial accused of beating, torturing and sexually assaulting wife and boyfriend after he discovered their affair
A former sheriff's deputy kept his wife and a man he suspected of being her boyfriend captive for more than two hours, beating and sexually assaulting them because he was enraged over their affair, a prosecutor said today.The horrific details of the case were laid out in the prosecution's opening statement at the trial of Robert McClain, 38, who could receive a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted.The 12-year marriage of McClain and his wife...Read full article, here.
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