Poster of life-threatening dangers of smoking does not make smokers quit smoking. A new study suggests criticism and hostility of others who make deter smokers.

Two psychologists from Canterbury Christ Church University, England, Masi Noor and Caroline Wood, did not agree with that assumption. They designed an experiment with many models approach. In these experiments, they applied the factors that have been making smokers think twice to continue the habit of smoking cigarettes.
There are four factors that are considered a deterrent to smokers.
- First, the fear is presented along with posters warning of the dangers of cigarettes and death threats that followed.
- Second, the process of information, concerning whether a person is affected by the information.
- Third, the hypocrisy of people who make anti-smoking campaign.
- Fourth, a person's desire to achieve certain goals.
"Multimodel approach is the first. As a result, it could be considered a campaign to stop smoking," Wood said through a press release last Thursday.
After fiddling with the fourth factor, the psychologist came to one conclusion, namely smokers quit smoking if they received negative behavior of those around him. "The experiments show a sense of smoking cessation arising from complaints of others on the behavior of smokers," adding Noor.
Antismoking campaigns delivered through the poster did not have much effect for smokers. But psychologists assess these measures are suitable for prevention. Young people "and those who do not smoke tend to think back to start buying and smoking cigarettes after seeing the poster mentioned harmful toxins contained in cigarettes. *** [ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3828]
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