Although, Christopher "Dudus" Coke faces 23 years in prison, many of his supporters allegedly claim he is a business man and cared much for the community. This is a man who is known to be very cruel to many whom recall him to be not only a notorious drug lord, but also a cold-blooded killer. Therefore, not all honor and respect Christopher Coke as good man. To many he is a threat to society and does not deserve freedom. Mr. Coke is the son of a former drug lord, Lester Lloyd Coke, better known as Jim Brown, leader of the popular, "Shower Posse". The "Shower Posse" was a well known drug ring back in the 1980's. Therefore, this was once a young boy who witnessed a lot of things and probably never learned anything about right or wrong.
Do you know that there are many adults like Christopher Coke whom were not taught to do right? We are not making an excuse for this man, but what we are saying is this, many times the problem within our society is blamed on how criminals were raised and what they were taught while growing up as children. Many criminals are really not bad people and deep down inside, they want to do right, they just do not know how, because they were never taught. Therefore, Satanic forces ruled them before they even got a chance to grow up. Childhood years are the very vulnerable times in our lives when we learned things from adults whom raised. In this case of Christopher Coke, it is so simple, he was raised around a demonic atmosphere of his father whom allegedly was one of the biggest drug lords in Jamaica. So, we must ask ourselves, was there ever anyone to tell Mr. Coke, it was wrong to do what he was raised around, dealing drugs? Although, his father was a drug lord, we do not know much about his mother or other family members. Did his other relatives agree with his fast and dangerous lifestyle? Most of all, did anyone know about Jesus Christ? Many times, when children of drug dealers or prostitutes are raised around a demonic atmosphere, they do not know if God is real or Jesus Christ will come into their lives and change them. This is the problem within our American society and even in Jamaica and other foreign countries, the absence of families not knowing about God and how He is able to bless them so much more than breaking the law is the reason why Satan and his demons has a stronghold on them and many in the community are murdered because of it. The solution for this man, Christopher Coke is for him to completely surrender His life to Jesus Christ before it is everlasting too late.
As we have told you before, it is time for us to stop spending so much time focusing on a community whom so often denies Jesus Christ and refuses to follow His Word and that is much of the homosexual community. Therefore, many souls in prison just like Christopher Coke need to know Jesus loves and abide in them, if they want it. Let us pray while this man in behind prison bars that He repents and turns away from Satanic forces. Although, we may not like what this man has done, his soul is valuable to God.
Christopher Coke Sentencing: Jamaican Drug Lord Faces Prison Time In US Case
NEW YORK -- U.S. authorities say Jamaican drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus" Coke was so ruthless that he once ordered a rival killed with a chainsaw.However, another episode left a more lasting impression with the general public: He was arrested wearing a curly black wig.
A mug shot of Coke wearing the wig as a disguise while on the run went viral on the Internet after his capture in Jamaica during a bloody siege of his ghetto stronghold in 2010 that left more than 70 dead. At the time, he waived extradition to the United States and vowed to fight drug trafficking, gun smuggling, racketeering and other charges.
But following a guilty plea last year, Coke faces up to 23 years in prison at sentencing this week in federal court in Manhattan.
The 43-year-old Coke has sought mercy in a letter to the judge – seven handwritten pages that in tone are formal and polite but in substance barely touch upon a litany of accusations...Read full article, here.
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