Video: Senator Seeks Saggy Pants Ban In N.Y.C. Schools; Why Hasn't The Church Also Banned Them?

We fully support Senator Eric Adams on this issue of sagging pants in New York.  We also support any other politician whom has stepped up to oppose sagging pants in their states and cities across the country.   However, we do not support the hip hop movement in the church, because many pastors have became hypocrites while preaching against the world, but not having any restrictions of dress code in the church.  Overall, many pastors fail to network with the fewest politicians of morals and values to stop sagging pants, not just in schools and in the streets, but also in these modern day mega churches, all over the country.   As we have told you time and time again, God is not pleased with the hip-hop or even the christian rock movement within the body of Christ.   He expects for there to be a difference in the church, before things can change in the schools and streets.  God expects pastors and bishops to make a difference like Senator Eric Adams.

The problem within our American society is that we do not have enough churches making a good foundation for morals and values and so people out in the world do not see much of a difference.  Within the body of Christ, there ought to be ministers whom will also be more men and women of standard to not allow people to dress any sort of way in the House of God.   God's House is not to be confused with Satan's territory and it is a holy place not to be confused with those whom have no discipline out in the streets.  Therefore, many ministers whom are pastors of these mega ministries promoting the hip hop movement need to show a difference before there can be a difference among the youth in schools and thugs in the streets.   Senator Eric Adams is doing a good job, but it is not fair for him to work on this issue alone.  There ought to be pastors, bishops and even televangelists whom preach against gospel music artists whom are not being good mentors by the way they dress.   Many gospel artists are dressing like thugs, gangsters and even prostitutes and the youth in the church wear exactly whom they idolize, instead of worshiping Jesus Christ and being taught to dress how He desires for them to dress.   Therefore, Senator Eric Adams job maybe more difficult, because many ministers have been silent on this issue and this is so unfair to him.

What we as true saints of God ought to do, is stop supporting these mega ministries whom have pastors with no restrictions on dress code, because their backward theology is not helping good politicians like Senator Eric Adams.   As servants of Jesus Christ, we have no business supporting mega ministries whom have no standard for dress code anyway, because it is not of God.   If you look at these scriptures: 'Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him (I John 2:15).'  Also in I Peter 1:16, the Bible tells us this, 'Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.'  So these two scriptures are so very clear and should not be hard to understand, we are not supposed to be identical to the ways of the world in any way, we are supposed to be strictly holy.   Therefore, not only ministers of this era, but also church members everywhere should not condone anything that does not please God and in this case, sagging pants is a shame in God's eyes and should not be worn in His House.   The church is where there should be an example for complete holiness and even in households of saints, there should be no hypocrisy.   Senator Eric Adams should not be one of the fewest spokesperson on this issue.  Where are all the men and women of God?  Are they all yet being silent because modern day churches have to be silent on dress-code among their cliques in order for them to remain popular ministers of mega ministries?   We know God is tired of pastors preaching come as you are and there is no example being made for those young people in the schools and in the streets.   God is certainly going to bless Senator Eric Adams for his standard of morals and values and those whom preach in the pulpit will not be blessed like this man, because many of them seem to be more concerned with the prosperity gospel and making money through the hop-hop and even christian rock movement, instead of satisfying God by laying a foundation for pure holiness and righteousness.  God is expecting ministers of His Word to start preaching for men and women to dress how they are supposed to be spiritually, sanctified and completely holy.   Young people in schools need to also see a change in church before they humbly obey Senator Eric Adams expectancy to pull their pants up.  It is time for pastors of mega ministries to insist on men and women to wear decent attire that does not offend politicians and even those whom disagree with such sagging pants or any other indecent fashion that pulls down the the dignity for humanity.

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Give ’em a kick in the saggy pants

‘The broken window of social behavior’


State Sen. Eric Adams (D-Queens), a former NYPD cop who was raised in South Jamaica, Queens, thinks it’s high time for city students to lift their saggy pants. He is now lobbying Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott to adopt a resolution banning sagging pants in classrooms.

When I was overseas, I noticed people were sagging there. You know, as New York goes, so goes America, and as America goes, so goes the world. We want to be identified globally by our great achievements — hot dogs, Chevrolet, baseball . . . not showing our underwear.

It dawned on me that this dress standard has been around for 30 years. Many children grew up...Read full article, here.


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