Geraldo Rivera Thinks Trayvon Martin was Killed over Hoodie: There Is Too Many Interracial Marriages For That Opinion

First and foremost, we would like to say Geraldo Rivera is very ignorant to say such a thing, because Zimmerman, the shooter of Trayvon Martin is half Latino, it is very clear he is not a white man, anybody who sees otherwise needs his or her eyes checked.  Zimmerman is not even trying to look white.   We cannot understand why this has been a discussion of black and white.  His father even allegedly admitted he is half "Mexican", those were his alleged words.  Any scientist would tell us, whenever you have a person who is part white and part Latino, they are really just Latino and whenever you have a person who was born part white and part black, they are just black.  It does not matter how much they try to escape being a darker race, the bloodline of the darker race always dominates the white gene.   We are not just referring to Geraldo Rivera's ignorance, we are also referring to Rev. Al Sharpton, the attorney for the parents of Trayvon Martin or any other activists who keeps making statements as though Zimmerman is a white man, he is not a white man.  It is not just white supremacists whom hate black people, there are other races, including the black race themselves whom have murdered African Americans.   Therefore, we wish Rivera and civil rights activists would stop referring to Zimmerman as being white, because he is not.  As for Geraldo Rivera statement, making an opinion that people would move to the other side street when they see an African American or a Latino wearing a hoodie, that is the most craziest thing we ever heard. refers to Geraldo Rivera being Hispanic and refers to him being part Jewish and part Puerto Rican, whatever race he is, he really does not have a right to make such a statement, because he is not white and this means he is talking about himself.   So you mean to tell us, if Geraldo Rivera is wearing a hoodie, people would move to the other side of the street?   Because if he says that about Latinos and African Americans, then he must be talking about himself too, he would not be excluded.    Furthermore, he is so ignorant to realize that hoodies are not just made for white people. 

African Americans and Latinos of all races have been wearing hoodies for many decades, so isn't racist for Geraldo Rivera to suddenly express such and ignorant racist opinion?  Furthermore, we would like to tell Geraldo Rivera, we are not living back in the 1980's when whites used to move to the otherside of the street, they do not do that anymore when they see an African American or a Latino, if they do, it is very rare, simply because everybody is marrying everybody.   We have so much diversity in America, you do not see white women running away from black men like they used to, if anything they are marrying them and having their babies.   Furthermore, every other race, including Latinos are in bi-racial relationships and marriages with African Americans.   So, Geraldo Rivera must be stuck back in time and he must not like African Americans and Latinos to say such a thing.  He seems to think he is superior over African Americans and Latinos to make such a statement that Trayvon Martin was killed because he was wearing his hoodie.  

We can wear whatever we want to wear and if anyone thinks they want to kill whenever they see a black or Latino person wearing one, they must be racist, it is not about the hoodie, it is about the race.   If whites can wear whatever they want without being bothered, then so can blacks and Latinos, otherwise it would be racist and Geraldo Rivera is ignorant to believe otherwise.  

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Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin killed due to ‘hoodie’

Geraldo Rivera said Friday he would “bet money” that Trayvon Martin wouldn’t have been fatally shot if the teenager hadn’t been wearing a hoodie, and the Fox News host’s comments immediately drew a fierce response, with one critic branding him a “moron” on Twitter.

“I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies,” Rivera said on “Fox & Friends.” “I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”

Martin, an African-American teenager from Florida, was shot and killed last month by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain who was armed...Read full article, here.



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