Allegedly, Dwayne Flourney, the grandson of Sandra Flourney and son of Brian Flourney murdered them both and had a party, afterwards. How could anyone stab their family, then act as though nothing happened? Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are living in terrible times and if people do not start praying and seeking God, these sort of tragedies will not cease our nation. We are living in an era when many men, women and children do not worship God whom not only created them, but created this universe. It is not fair to just worship any religion or not think it is no longer important to read and obey God's Word, the Holy Bible. We are witnessing such horrific crimes, because people of this nation refuse to serve and obey God. God is the ruler of this universe, no other god or human being and if we want things to become better we must yield to the throne of God, every class, race, age and nationality. It is time to stop rebelling against God and repent for all of the wrong we have done and even for all the wrong we condoned, which the Bible opposes.
Dwayne Flourney somehow became demon possessed. If you would go to our source,, you will see a younger photo of him when he was in high school. Now, he does not look like he would ever become a killer to murder his family, but somewhere in his background he had a rotten seed of bitterness and never sought help for it. Just studying this case, it reminds us of a lot of youth now, they may look so innocent, but their actions are not of God, because the lack of God's presence in the home did not control the atmosphere. This 26-year-old man may have been the sort of immature individual that never grew up and when it was time to take responsibility, he became angry and acted out on his imaginations to harm those closet to him. This happens all the time, the only thing different is, many grown children or even young ones have not committed murder. Such hostility is present in many homes and this man's father and grandmother probably always dealt with his evil attitude. He probably always gave them a lot of trouble and when Dwayne and Sandra Flourney finally had enough and sat him down to take responsibility, he committed one of the worst crimes, murder.
Many times, many parents and grandparents say they want to help the youth in the their families, but they allow them to just have too much control in the household and when it is time for them to move on, demon possession is bound to happen. God needs to be the center of the household and His presence must be known to rule, so Satan can have no authority among those whom have no regard or respect for their elders. In America and even abroad, it is time for us to unite, fast and pray as we always say, because we are witnessing some of the worst sort of crimes not only among strangers, but among family members. If it is hard to make peace among those whom refuse to make peace with you, then please create a plan to cease their presence until they choose to make a commitment to serve Jesus Christ. Especially those whom you raise refuse to show respect and mature as adults, God expects us to keep peace and move on with the good life God gave you. This double homicide was not worth it and it is very sad, this son and grandmother tried to hard to love this man whom obviously did not want love nor advice to mature him into manhood.
Prosecutor: Maplewood man held party after fatally stabbing father, grandmother
MAPLEWOOD — A 26-year-old Maplewood man who allegedly held a house party after killing his father and grandmother Saturday night was arrested Tuesday night and charged in their deaths, authorities said.
Dwayne Flourney is charged in the slayings of his father Brian Flourney, 52, and his grandmother Sandra Flourney, 76, said acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray.
Murray, who described the killings as a "very tragic event," said the 26-year-old stabbed his grandmother multiple times Saturday afternoon and stuffed her into the trunk of a car on the property. Later that day, he attacked his father when he returned home, killing him...Read full article, here.
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