Allegedly, Senator John Edwards is the first name to be revealed out of Manhattan Madam's black book, which is a disgrace. Previously, Senator John Edwards already had been reported in the media for having an affair with his mistress, Rielle Hunter and impregnating her while on his political campaign. Then, allegedly used campaign funds to purchase her a beach home for 3.5 million dollars, then had the audacity to propose to her, according to When his late wife found out about the affair she divorced him while trying to beat her breast cancer diagnosis. This sudden news does not surprise us and also reveals why America is in trouble, because if we cannot have politicians whom are righteous, then how can we avoid corruption in our society? It is time for politicians to surrender their lives to God, because for too long many of them like Edwards have been caught in various sorts of sexual affairs. The demon of lust has controlled the minds and spirits of many political leaders for too long and now it is time for the saints of God to recognize this is definitely a problem we must take to God in prayer. Furthermore, this Manhattan Madam is not the only one who has had famous names in her black book.

You know people always like to talk bad about the pimps and madams, but if there were no johns like Senator John Edwards, there would be no illegal profession of prostitution. Therefore, men whom are possessed with a demon of lust should seriously seek spiritual help, so pimps and madams can go out of business, but the reason why it has never occurred, is simply because these men do not want to surrender, they don't want help. They would rather fulfill their fantasies while portraying themselves as good family men and a positive influence as politicians. Senator John Edwards would not always be in the news, if he would do right, but obviously he refuses to give up his sinful nature. It is time for politicians like him to realize they will never be able to hold a good image our country, if they continue to live a double life. If we continue to have corruption among politicians, then we will never have good role models for our young men to follow and this includes husbands. If we continue to have corruption among politicians who cannot keep their marriages together, because of their adulterous affairs, then how can men and women in matrimony respect them and adhere to them as good role models? You may not accept this fact, but one of the main reasons why gay and lesbian couples have been empowered to legalize gay marriages, is simply because of men like Senator John Edwards who failed to respect their wives and not uphold a positive image as a husband before the nation. So now we see men turning to men and women turning to women as though that sort of marriage will work. We need more politicians whom are going to be good role models in their marriage with their wives, so people in our society will admire them so much, they will want to do right and marry the opposite sex.
Senator John Edwards being allegedly discovered in this Manhattan Madam's black book is very painful to those whom once admired he and his wife's marriage. His scandals did not stop with his mistress and having a child with her, but this sudden news of his name being revealed in this Madam's black book tells us that he possibly had more discreet affairs behind his wife's back. This sort of unfaithful spouse not only brings shame on his entire family, but stress in his wife's life. No doubt, the late Elizabeth Edwards probably would still be here, if John Edwards would have been a faithful husband.
The names professional men revealed in this Manhattan Madam's black book is not her fault, this has happened so many times before. It is just such a shame Senator John Edwards name was the first name to be mentioned in court. We hope and pray he and other politicians like him surrender their lives to the Lord before it is everlasting too late. Disgraced senator John Edwards 'outed as one of Manhattan Madam's clients'
Disgraced senator John Edwards today denied allegations he had any involvement with one of the high-class hookers working for alleged Manhattan Madam Anna Gristina after it was claimed he paid for sex while in New York during his presidential bid in 2007. Edwards is the first high-profile name to come out of Gristina's alleged black book of clients after he was identified today by the website that originally exposed the prostitution ring scandal.Anna Gristina, 44, from Monroe County, was arrested on February 23 accused of running a million-dollar brothel empire for the last 15 years for wealthy and powerful clients...Read full article, here. Source and Photo Courtesy:
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