You know some of these church boards are just down right evil. We are sorry but it is true. They know they have power and authority over many things concerning the church and they use and abuse that authority to the highest degree.
We want to thank our friends over at The Church Lady Blogs site for this exclusive. Apparently members of Jericho City of Praise are sick and tired of the church board having so much control that they feel they should not disclose how the church's finances are being distributed and used. We are so happy because the members have now been withholding tithes and offerings until they get the financial information they want from the board.
In retaliation, Jericho City of Praise church board wants to now sue Pastor Joel Peeples because of what the church members have done; or should we say, have not done. This is the messiest church board we have ever heard of and we are praying for the board to be broken up and reconstructed.
Check out the letter sent to The Church Lady about the lawsuit below:
Church Lady,
Thank you for your continued prayers. Pastor Joel remains our Pastor much to the dismay of the self appointed rogue board. He is moving forward with the vision despite the attempts to thwart him. Our congregation...
Read more at:
Jericho City of Praise Church Members Withhold Tithes and Offerings and Board Sues Pastor In Retaliation | AT2W
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