Whether you realize it or not, a man or a woman in their 40's who cannot live without a 20 something young person in their lives are possessed with not only a demon of lust, but also a demon of insecurity like in this case with Dr. Tim Roses. How could this 44-year-old man kill his 22-year-old ex-girlfriend just because she posted news about her new boyfriend on her Facebook page? This is a disgrace, because this man ought to have been so fulfilled having credentials as a doctor, he wouldn't have been so caught up on what was going on in the life with his young ex-girlfriend. It is time to recognize murder-suicide of any age in some cases as a demon of lust and in all cases as a demon of insecurity. Never should anyone not be able to live their lives without someone. Dr. Tim Roses acted immature, sending a silent message to those whom loved the victims, 'since she does not want to be with me, she nor myself deserves to live, so I took her life and my own'. As you can see there are a lot of grown people whom become doctors, lawyers or work as other prominent professionals, but they have not grown up in their minds and spirits. This doctor did not see himself as a mentor to younger people, but possibly thought of himself on the level as those whom are supposed to learn from him and instead he acted out his murder with the mind of a child.Dr. Tim Roses was a very successful Texas radiologist, but also worked in various parts of the country. He may have been a very successful intelligent man, but he lacked self confidence and most of all, salvation. Any man or woman whom places a person before God and loves them more lacks self-confidence. No one can ever continue in life placing anyone above God and this seems to be the case of Dr. Tim Roses whom could not live his life knowing this younger woman, Lindsay Nichols. Therefore, he could have been possessed with another demon of idolatry.

We want to forewarn you younger women to be careful if you decide to date older men, because many of them are just out to fulfill their lust and if they cannot satisfy their lustful demon, because they feel rejected by you, they may act out like Dr. Tim Roses. We advise you to carefully choose the men you date and make sure you give the young men your age a chance, because many times, you may think they are not mature enough, but many times they could be more mature than this 44-year-old doctor who committed this murder suicide. We do not know if this was the case, with Lindsay Nichols, but many times younger women make the excuse of dating older men, because they say they are more mature than young men around their age. However, as you can see Dr. Tim Rose was not only immature, but he was so possessed with lust, he acted out in an immature fashion, because he was insecure as an older man who had an alleged infatuation with a younger woman.
Furthermore, this doctor, Dr. Tim Roses may have been very successful in his career as a medical doctor, but he needed psychological and spiritual help. He needed Jesus Christ to save him and set him free from his immaturity and insecurity.
May Lindsay Nichols rest in peace and we are praying for her new boyfriend and family.
Doctor, 44, shoots dead girlfriend, 22, then turns the gun on himself just hours after she revealed new lover on Facebook
A horrific murder suicide has left a town in shock after a doctor, 44, shot dead his ex-girlfriend, 22, before turning the gun on himself after she revealed on Facebook she had a new boyfriend.
Dr Timothy Roses, a radiologist from Waterloo, Iowa, fatally shot Lindsay Nichols, of Evansdale, Iowa, in the chest before also shooting himself in the chest around 9pm on Wednesday night.
They were found near an intersection in Jesup, where her new boyfriend lived. Roses was already dead and Lindsay died later in hospital.
The pair were known to be in a relationship but it ended earlier this year.Friends say Lindsay was concerned about his behaviour since the breakup.Early on Wednesday, the pretty 22-year-old changed her relationship status to reveal she was in a new...Read article, here.Source, Video and Photo courtesy:
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