When we heard Rebecca Cohan, Neuman's mother's deepest regret for her son's crime, we also heard her plea for the judge to spare his life. Therefore, Hema Neuman has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. He may not have to go on death role for murdering Russell "Rusty" Sneiderman, but he will have to spend the rest of his life in prison. One may wonder if men and women whom are sentence to spend the rest of lives in prison yet have lives. Of course they do. Although, they maybe spending time thinking about the terrible crimes they were convicted of, they yet have lives and decisions to make. This family man may have been a well respected father, but he made the wrong decision by choosing to kill a man while dropping his son off at daycare.
If he seriously regret his conviction, he has much time to make it right with God and repent for killing Russell "Rusty" Sneiderman. Also, we heard there are programs for prisoners to help others whom are spending many years in prison, one in particular is having Bible studies and bringing other souls to Jesus Christ. Hopefully, while Hemy Neuman is spending time in prison, he can do this for God. Of course, this would be after he is willing to submit his life to the Lord. It is also reported that Hemy Neuman is an engineer. Engineers are very intelligent people who are good in math. He could help a lot of prisoners get their GED while broadening their education. Therefore, this man has a soul and still has a very smart brain and yet has a life to share with those whom are in prison.
Furthermore, all we can say is this, at least he apologized, because the average criminal will just be cold and unapologetic. They won't cry, they will laugh and have no regard for the crime they committed. So, at least Hemy Neuman did this much. This is what God respects, those whom are honest enough to say they did something wrong and they regret it.
For the family of the decease, Rusty Sneiderman, it is very sad they are without him. However, there is someone else to blame and that is his wife, Andrea Sneiderman whom allegedly had an affair with the defendant whom was her alleged boss. No matter how she denies an affair with Hemy Neuman, things just don't add up. If she did sleep with him, one of the biggest rules, is you never sleep with your boss and you never have an affair. Now many people maybe pointing the finger at the alleged killer, Mr. Hemy Neuman, but one thing is for certain, Andrea Sneiderman did not have any right to have an affair as a married woman or with her boss who was a married man, although he and his wife were allegedly separated. Again, sin is the cause of this murder and it took two people to start a previous alleged romantic fling, not just Hemy Sneiderman. Therefore, the wife must come clean if she did have an affair with him and repent to God. For what other reason would this man go into a rage? It's no excuse, but there sure is a reason for it.
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