Compared to diesel cars, exhaust fumes of gasoline-fueled vehicles were donated Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) is greater. The results of research scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) of NOAA, and other scientists showed a surprising thing.
"We found that instead of diesel engines that provide the greatest contribution of organic aerosols that pollute the air in Los Angeles, United States," said Roya Bahreini, CIRES researcher who led the study. "It's contrary to what is predicted by the scientific community."
SOA is a form of small particles in the air and up 40-60 percent of aerosol mass in urban environments. These findings provide valuable information. Therefore, a very fine particle pollution can affect human health, such as heart or respiratory problems.
These particles also affect climate and reduce visibility, so scientists trying to understand how the particles were formed. Researchers have known that the SOA formed from the gas given off by gasoline-powered engines, diesel, and natural sources, such as biogenic agents of plants and trees, but they can not ensure the greatest source of pollutants. "We have to do research in a place that can separate the contribution of natural emissions from vehicles and plant," said Bahreini.
Los Angeles proved to be an ideal location. Flanked by the ocean on one side and by mountains to the north and east, the air circulation in the city is relatively isolated.
The team of scientists flew with the NOAA's P3 research aircraft over Los Angeles, three times on weekdays and three times on weekends. The aircraft was equipped with a variety of instruments designed to measure various aspects of air pollution.
"Each instrument records a part of the puzzle," he said. "Where do the particles come from? Difference particles on weekdays and weekends as well as whether the particles originating from vehicle emissions is different from weekdays and weekends?"
The results show that a decline in the use of diesel trucks over the weekend, while the gasoline vehicle remains constant throughout the week. The team hopes the SOA at the weekend go down.
But that's not what they found. In contrast, levels of SOA particles relatively unchanged from the level of working day. Our results suggest that gasoline is a major source of SOA. *** [SCIENCEDAILY | KORAN TEMPO 3813]
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