Many of you women may say you never would even think about becoming a Madam, but many of you possibly thought about it. You thought about it, but didn't even come to close to owning an illegal prostitution ring, escort service or in this case like Anna Gristina, 44, operating a multimillion dollar brothel. Thank God, you may have just thought about it, because this sort of money is not worth it. Look where it got this woman, facing charges that could put her behind bars for a very long time. She charged anywhere from $1,000 an hour to $25,000 for a weekend. The soccer Mom has four children and a lover of animals, so sad, she may leave them all behind, because she serviced very wealthy men in professional careers with all sorts of women. Allegedly, she is also accused of including minors in here illegal operation.
Anna Gristina may have been a well-respected woman who provided a good family life for her children, but morally, she was not a good example as a mother. God's will is for us as mothers to have money, but He also requires for us to possess the wealthiest asset and that's salvation. There is nothing wrong with having money, but when we choose to sell ourselves or others for money, it violates the Kingdom of God, not just breaking the law. All the millions of dollars, Gristina may have had in her bank account could never amount up to her soul. So think about it, envy not the wicked and do no wrong to drive the finest car and live in the most expensive suburban home or condo, because when your evil is revealed to the authorities, the media will be there to show your dirtiest secrets, you may never have wanted the public to know about. You have got to think about your children. Do you want them to have money or dignity? Is letting go your integrity as a mother worth driving a Rolls Royce, eating at the finest restaurants and living in the Hamptons? Absolutely not, your children will be visiting you in prison and all of your assets will be taken away by the authorities who discovered your illegal operation and your black book filled with all sorts of names, addresses and phone numbers of the most rich and famous men in America and all over the world.
Even if you thought about pimping of money, it is not too late to turn around and seek God. Just because you thought about it or tried it and failed, it does not mean that's what you are, Satan's a dirty lie. Just began thanking God, you did not ever get in a situation like this soccer Mom, Anna Gristina.
May God have mercy on her husband (shown in the above photo) for allowing her to do such a thing. What type of man loves his wife, to allow her to be a Madam or even a prostitute? What type of marriage could any woman have with a husband whom supports this sort of immoral lifestyle. Shame on him. Hopefully, he have to face the judge for his part his wife's operation, because he had not business allowing it. Husbands are supposed to be the head of the household and not allow this sort of thing to occur. He is suppose to be a leader and not a follower of misconduct. According to, he claims his wife means everything to him and they have been married for 10 years, but let's see if he sticks around, after she goes to trial.
Furthermore, we pray Anna Gristina finds God and repents for not only being a Madam, but not showing integrity to her children. It is not too late for this woman or any other person whom may have been a pimp, prostitute or even a drug dealer, the only thing God wants is for each and every person to serve Him, it does not matter what they have done in their past. That's what we love about God, it does not matter how bad we may have live our lives, He always leaves the door open for each and every person to come to Him. Let us pray for this woman and many others whom may not have yet got caught as a madam, pimp or any other sort of illegal operation of making fast money.
Anna Gristina is held on a $2 million dollar bail. Before she got arrested, she was working on starting a legal dating site, in competition with, according to various reports.
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