Zachery Tims' Mother Covering Up Toxicology Results Is Nothing New In The Black Culture

Now, one of our main journalists mentioned in a previous article that it is nothing new, regarding the black church covering up the death of ministers who died of horrible causes, such as AIDS or drug overdose.  Allegedly, it has happened in various situations.  One of the most popular cases was in the prior death results involving the King of Gospel, Rev. James Cleveland.   Death results revealed the late Rev. James Cleveland either died of a heart attack or respiratory failure, allegedly.  When the late Rev. Cleveland's adopted son came out to the press and confessed a sexual affair since a young teen, (Andre M. aka.)  Christopher Harris Cleveland also mentioned James Cleveland died of AIDS, according to article, 'And The Choir Sings On'.   His foster son also admitted he himself was HIV positive at the time of his confession to the media.   Therefore, was very accurate when they mentioned the black church has been covering up for many years now, since the birth of AIDS.   However, one of the main reasons why the double lifestyles of preachers are covered up in most, is simply because of their mothers.   In the black culture, black men are overprotected by their mothers many times and in this case of Zachery Tims, it reveals that his mother Madeline is covering up his death results, because that is the nature of many black mothers.    

Madeline's behavior is an abnormality among black mothers who have always babied their sons, allegedly.   Madeline going to the Supreme Court to stop the toxicology reports from leaking out to the press is an ancient dysfunctional behavior and it reveals the possibility of why Zachery Tims could never grow up and do right, allegedly.   It seems like she overprotected him and this is why he possibly was allegedly addicted to drugs and could not keep his marriage together.   Her abnormal behavior also allegedly reveals this is possibly the reason why Zachery Tims could do no wrong and possibly thought it was okay to do drugs when no one was looking.   Going back to the childhood of many black men when they were boys, they are placed upon a pedestal by their mothers, no matter who informs them of their wrongdoings.  As young boys, grown black men like the late Dr. Zachery Tims, grow up always being defended by their mothers, no matter who they hurt or even if they seem to be in a journey to hurt themselves.   Many times black mothers spoil their sons, and place their daughters lower than their sons as though their daughters are cursed seeds and could never amount up to the love they have for their sons.   This ill behavior has occurred for many years now and this is what causes of a lot of division within black families.   It has been kept quiet long enough, but it must be discussed now, because Madeline going to the Supreme Court reveals the alleged ancient dysfunction among black mothers who honor their sons, regardless of their wrong doings.   Zachery Tims is dead and his mother's actions seems very abnormal, because the average case of a famous person dying of a drug overdose has not been obscured like in the case of Michael Jackson, King of Pop.   

Another reason why we deeply feel Madeline Tims' actions are very abnormal, allegedly, is simply because Riva Tims mentioned they all went on a trip together to Puerto Rico right before his death and Madeline was with them.   Why was it necessary for Madeline to be present during a trip?   It does not seem right since Riva was Zachery's ex-wife.   How could they have ever reconciled with Madeline present on their family trip?  Was it that way when they were married, Madeline always had to be present when they were going on vacation trips?   Husbands and wives are to no longer cleave to their parents, but they are to cleave to the ones they make marital vows to at the altar, even when it means possibly retying the knot on a long journey.   In general, black mothers who overly protect their sons are abnormal; however, it is very normal for you to love your son, but not love them so much to hide their errors after they are dead.

It just seems like Zachery Tims' mother had too much control in his life and because he was in that room with an alleged packet of powdered substance found in his boxer's pocket, she desires to go so far to hide what he could not hide from God.   Madeline Tims is among many black mothers who make a mistake of trying to hide the truth from those who desire to acknowledge the facts and one of the main facts is Zachery Tims may have been a very good leader while teaching God's Word, but he was not a good follower of God's Word in his private moments.   His toxicology reports may not only reveal he had drug possession at the time of his death, but it may also reveal further facts of dealing with others who could have pacified his double lifestyle, which could have ended in a worst tragedy than a drug overdose.

The black culture could be better than what it is today, but-the abnormal habits of black mothers who baby their sons even when they are grown men, disrespects God, does not help the church family grow stronger if they should reap the consequences through a tragic death of being without a pastor, makes the body of Christ appear bad for hiding sinful facts, causes conflict with their wives, separation in their marriages, lack of responsibility as fathers with children, lack of responsibility as grown men...  In conclusion, this case involving Madeline Tims approaching the Manhattan Supreme Court to conceal actual causes of her son's death unfortunately reveals why there are so many dysfunctional black men who live double lifestyles as "so-call" men of God.    It is so sad to admit the truth, but we do not need babies in the pulpit, but it is very sad to acknowledge Zachery Tims allegedly being pampered too much by his mother only showed Madeline's behavior as being an overly protected mother of spoiling him too much, even after his death.

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