Well, many people who follow Ex-Ministries know about his 'The Truth About Hip Hop" series and this is what has made him a name in this arena. But his ministry also deals with false prophets in the pulpits, out of the pulpits, gospel artists and even those claiming to be Christian yet engage in and out of the world. And, yes he covers subjects much of what we cover as well but we have a difference of opinion in hip hop gospel, christian rap and the like. Most of our readers know this as well.
So, as far as we have been able to research, their ministry has not addressed the issue at hand. In the past few days, we have reached several emails that are concerned with not hearing from them on this subject. We have actually tried contacting them as well and no responses have been received. Many people are contacting us about it and we don't have answers for them but we do have this information.
If you follow Ex-Ministries, you'd know that he will be taping his Part 7 of 'The Truth Behind Hip Hop" (TBHH7) in Los Angeles, California on Friday, Oct. 28th. It will be taped at Crenshaw Christian Center (The Faithdome) which is Dr. Fred Price Sr's church. This certainly raises some issues since Lewis is obviously affiliated with them. But why are the Prices appearing to be exempt from the false prophet log on their websites?
Read entire article at AT2W
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