As a woman, because of women sleeping with married men, this is why you can see, the feminist movement is a hoax. The average woman does not care about this issue, but expects for women to pull together, every time men are treated much better within various circumstances within society. The feminist movement is very hypocritical. Yes, women have fought for the right to vote and other social issues, but too many of them have been so eager to be with a married man and even have his children, this is what has broken down the race of women as a whole. Lust and lack of respect has destroyed the strength among women and so they have no respect for God.
If you are guilty, please realize this very fact, you cannot say you are a born again Christian, but you satisfy your lust with a married man. Mistresses are evil, cunning and treacherous and these type of women are in the church, working around married men on the job and even will grin in his face in the presence of his wife and kids. This bold demon has destroyed many families and God is tired of it. You may think God is lenient with your lustful relationship with this married man, but He is angry at all women who are guilty of being a mistress while claiming to love Him.
Is your relationship with this married man, all about having good intercourse with him and all the materialistic possessions that he gives you, because if it is, you do not need him. You need to let him go, because all you need is Jesus Christ. This married man does not love you, because all he wants is gratification outside of his marriage. You do not know how many other mistresses this man could have. You may think you are the only one, but the average man who fools around with other women has many secrets he is also keeping from his mistress. Let us assure you, if you have kids with this married man, your children possibly are not the only children outside of this man's marriage. Also, if he is sleeping around with other women or even men, you do not know what sort of diseases he could come back and give to you. Lust is not love, it is deceitful pain that only feels good for a moment, then afterwards the actual pain comes out, because either his wife finds out about you or you find out about other women or his discreet life as a bi-sexual man. There is always some sort of pain that will make you see, you have wasted your time having an affair with a married man. If you really are a Christian, do you think God would allow you to be deceived by a married man? Absolutely not, if it was okay with God to be a mistress to a married man, then you would never get hurt. So, do not fool yourself, be smart and become a real Christian, a real follower of Jesus Christ and let go of being a mistress and serve God for the rest of your life.
Let us forewarn you, if you continue to have a relationship with this married man, it is not just homosexuals who are going to eternal hell and damnation, but it is a horrible place for any type of sinner who refuses to turn away from sin. Hell is also for the adulterers, fornicators, idolators, murders...so God is fair and desires for all sinners to get it right with Him before it is everlasting too late.
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