Should Ministers Cast Demons Out of Demon Possessed Congregants?

This issue is not discussed much in an era of ministers who are primarily focused on making money from their ministries and keeping up with celebrities in the world.    Back in the day, when African Americans were not ashamed to have real church and there was not too much diversity, casting out demons in deliverance services was in the average black church.  Ministers did not quiet down congregants from praising God and allowing demons to cease in their churches.  In today's church, prosperity ministries are more popular and to cast out demons would not be appropriate in their ministries for a number of reasons.

Specifically, these following four main reasons also reveal why the average minister of today should not be casting demons out of their congregants, although casting out demons is necessary, but only under certain conditions in agreement with God.   
  • Qualifications: Many of these ministers are not full of the Holy Ghost and are not qualified to cast out the devil.    They have a love for money and preaching salvation is less important in their ministries.   In order to be qualified to cast demons out of congregants, these pastors, bishops and evangelists are required to be free of the Devil within themselves.   Many of them have demons of lust, greed, homosexuality, pride, adultery, fornication, jealousy and among other various types of demons, which identify with the wickedness of this world.   Father God told us to have nothing to do with the ways of the world and they allow their gospel and christian music to compare to hip hop and rock.   God spoke these words to us in His Word, 'Love not the world, neither the things that are in world, he that loveth the world, the love of the Father in not in him (or her) I John 2:15-17 . 
  •  Satanic Illuminati:  Today's average minister who does not show a cross in their sanctuary, but instead reveals a globe is hooked to the Satanic Illuminati, allegedly.   Many of them are discreet Devil worshipers.  Discreetly, they are a part of the same secret societies of Satan worshipers who are hip hop producers and artists, politicians, athletes and various other celebrities.   These ministers do not serve God in their heart.   This is why we see a lot of them who are friends with celebrities and are labeled as "celebrities" themselves, because like their friends in the world, they have sold their souls to the Devil to make a million dollar income through their ministries.    
  •  Lack of Anointing: Because these ministers who are identified as having a celebrity status, they do not have enough anointing (Holy Ghost) fire to move demons out among their church members.  They have gotten so dignified and sophisticated, they have either lost the anointing or like Bishop Eddie Long, never had it.   If you perform services like you are in a nightclub or having a worldly party with a hip hop or rock atmosphere, how can you possess power to cast demons out of people?    It is impossible, you cannot do so, because you would be a hypocrite.    This is why the Word of God told us this, 'Be Ye Holy for I am Holy (I Peter 1:16).'   Therefore, if holiness is not on their agenda, then the anointing is not in them neither does it operate in what they call, "a corporate ministry".
  • Out to Gain Money and Not to Save Souls: Many ministries we see today are not operating to deliver souls from sin, but they only operate to gain their status as a multimillion dollar corporation. The fact that there is a hell does not scare them enough to realize they must get rid of the demon of greed within themselves and focus their attention on preaching against sin.  Their focus is not the same as God's focus.  Therefore, casting out demons would not attract followers who would willingly give millions of dollars.   If they were truly called by God they would not preach to satisfy people, but they would preach to satisfy God and they would not be so afraid to lose money, which does not belong to them in the first place.
There are not many ministers who are qualified to cast demons out of people and this is why we see such devastating news as we see today on televised media: pastors and wives divorcing; pastors marrying for the second, third and fourth time; pastors and bishops facing sexual allegations of child molestation, pastors announcing they are gay-affirming and preaching the gospel of Inclusion, pastors arrested for selling drugs and gun possession...the list goes on.    

Yes, ministers who are truly called by God should be casting out devils, but God is cleaning up today's average mega ministry, so He can place more deliverance ministries across America and abroad.   In coming years as the saints of God keep fasting and praying in unity, we will see a lot more mega/prosperity, gay-affirming and other ministries that are not operating within the Kingdom of God closing up and more ministries that are operating under God's full anointing rising up.   More sermons of holiness and righteousness will be taught from the mouths of true men and women of God who have no connection with the world of satanic influences.  Furthermore, casting demons of out people who are demon possessed is much needed, because there are all sorts of demons that attack people, not just lust, homosexuality, greed, fornication, idolatry, adultery, but there are too many people who are sick and ministers of the gospel must be strong enough and cleansed themselves to cast the demons of sickness out of these souls, so God can get the glory out of healing and deliverance ministries.


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