'My mom is alive!’ and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.”
From ABC News:
“At 7:20 p.m. last Friday, a nurse at the hospital called the on-call doctor when she saw that Rosa Celestrino de Assis was not showing any signs of life. The doctor ran some tests, pronounced her dead and had her taken to the morgue. At 10 p.m., when her daughter found her alive, Rosa Celestrino de Assis was returned to the intensive care unit, had her intubated again and put on a respirator,’ hospital director Manoel Moreira Filho told O Globo.”
Hallelujah! God is a good God and He still performs. This probably goes on more often than we think. We thank God her 60 year young mother is still alive and can enjoy the miracle God has given her.
Oh BTW, the doctor and nurse who mistakenly decided the mother was dead, were both terminated from their jobs. Unfortunately, this was nothing short of a miracle and most likely the doctors did what they could and then God took over.
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