Here are some questions interviewer Piers Morgan addressed Pastor Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria on a recent show.
1) Piers asks Osteen his views on abortion and capital punishment:
Joel Osteen:
"You know, it's a complicated issue, Piers. I haven't thought a whole lot about it but, of course, you know, and I'm for second chances and mercy, yet, the flip side is there's consequences for what we've done and, so, I -- I don't know what my total stance is . . . "As you can see, he tried to avoid answering this question by playing both sides and not giving a total stance on either one. Oh, that's right- he said he didn't have a 'total stance'. But shouldn't a pastor know what God says about these issues and his heart on the matter?
At this moment, Piers is frustrated with his fuzzy and indefinite answers on issues that are addressed everyday. He presses him for clarity and Osteen says:
"Yes. Well, if I could I would but I'd have to -- let me study it and I'll come back with a great answer someday for you."This is worse than the first response and it proves his ignorance or resistance to really address the issue.
2) Piers asks Osteen on his views on same sex marriage:
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