How Gay Gospel Artists Left a Tainted Legacy for Today’s Generation (Part 1)

We've had this weighing heavy on our hearts when it comes to gospel artists from yesteryear and the impact it has on our generation today. When we speak of our generation, we do mean for all of us living today not just for the young folk, as some may believe.

Looking back at gospel music, especially in the black church, makes many of us think of the good days. We reminisce on how anointed the music was then and how it ushered the spirit of God into a place that raised the dead. For those of you who can think back to The Caravans, The Barrett Sisters, The William Brothers, Mahalia Jackson, Rev. James Cleveland and so many more, those were good days.

But just as they inspired us to live on just one more day, the gospel artists that catered to our thirsty souls, had demons they were battling. There's no secret to the rumors of many gospel artist like many of the members of The Caravans with popular soloists Shirley Caesar, Albertina Walker, Casietta George and Dorothy Norwood were alleged lesbians; Clara Ward was allegedly known to have occasional hook ups with women and Rev. James Cleveland allegedly lived a life of homosexuality that the church turned a blind eye to but he created some of the most soul stirring gospel music ever made. These are just a few gospel artists from the past that lived their lives as alleged Christians, sang gospel songs in the name of Jesus but lived total different lives outside of the church and some in the church!

We will use one singer who has a story that will prove that gay gospel singers effect their children's lives and the industry of gospel music.

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