Regular readers of AT2W, like we have told you before, the same thing Tony Perkins is now telling Christians who voted for President Barack Obama, it is time to repent. We have seen a whole 90 degree turn around in America which is not in God's favor and many did not think twice about what type of change was in Obama's agenda. The change we have seen has completely opposed christian values and God would be very angry if we as the family of Christ refuse to repent.
God expects for true Christians to repent and humbly obey Him. Tony Perkins is very accurate, it is time to repent before we see God's wrath on churches all across America. Repentance must first start with the "so-call" full gospel, Pentecostal churches who always claim to preach pure holiness before President Barack Obama was in office. Now that he has supported same-sex marriage and we have gotten to know who Obama really is, God is waiting to see how Christians respond and most have become gay-affirming and supporting these ministries. Most among these churches are black pastors and bishops, God is very furious with, because they only focused on race instead of focusing on righteousness. Now as you have seen, our country is facing controversy with the same-sex marriage initiative. Satan fooled the entire black race, causing them to think it was necessary to finally have an African American in office without seeking the throne of God. The average pastor within the black church was supposed to predict whom would be the right president based on God's desire, not based on what the black community wanted. This has proven most of them do not have the gift of discernment and if they did, they ignored the voice of God. Now, we are seeing a mass of rebellion like never before.
God is angry with the black church as a whole, because even if white churches decided to support Obama, they were the ones who are from the history of slavery in this country and also can recall the history of AIDS of how it not only destroyed a high percentage in the black race, but also within the black church. This in fact what the main destruction within black families. The clergy and their members of the black church among all others know better and if God does not hear your repentance, God's wrath will be much worse than it already has been.
Why is it important for particular Christians who voted for President Obama to rush and repent? Simply because God has a plan for America and His plan is spread the message of complete repentance and righteousness and win souls away from Satan's territory. Therefore, if you are guilty of voting for President Barack Obama, you will face God's wrath and it will not be pleasant. Repent now, saith God before it is everlasting too late.
President Obama is "hostile" and "disdainful" of Christianity.
That's according to Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. Perkins told Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family, in a broadcast last week that he believes Obama has used his position as a bully pulpit that has "created an atmosphere that is hostile toward Christianity."
Perkins' comments came after the two, along with Alan Sears of the Alliance Defense Fund, discussed a recent incident in which the Air Force Academy apologized for promoting the ministry Operation Christmas Child on campus. The apology was issued after a former cadet and founder of the Religious Freedom Foundation, Michael Weinstein, complained that the Air Force crossed the line in promoting the charity because it endorses Christian...Read full article here.
Source: Black Christian News
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