The Greatest “Show” on Earth – The Big Lies Of Black Prosperity Preachers: Pt. 1

Black Prosperity Preaching and Gospel

By Wayne Hobson, AT2W Contributing Writer

As a new contributing writer for AT2W, I thought that I would introduce myself with an article on the subject that angers me the most about our “so called” leaders in many Black churches. Let me tell you just a bit about myself first.

Over 25 years ago, I was called by The Lord to preach at the tender age of 18 and as I humbly listened to the Spirit of God, He spoke these words from the prophet Isaiah to me:

Isaiah 58:1 “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgressions.”. .

I was commanded to speak the truth despite the consequences. Though I am a licensed Baptist minister, I am called to preach the truth regardless of denominationalism.

And be warned now that I back up what I say with Scripture and I quote it heavily when necessary.
That being said, as an African American, I must call to question the whole “Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel” movement among Black preachers and their blatant discard for Biblical truth.

More specifically, I am referring to Creflo (Gimme) A. Dollar, Leroy Thompson, Frederick K. (F.C.) Price, and Bishop Eddie (I) Long (for young boys), among a growing myriad of others.

The Word of Faith (WOF) and Prosperity Gospel (PG) promises wealth and health for all that adhere to its heresies (and that’s what they truly are – heresies).

These preachers make it seem as if not being rich and in total good health equate to us not being “saved enough” or not in good standing with God.

Let’s get some things straight – your place in Heaven has nothing to do with how little (or how much) you have down here. It is strictly based upon acceptance of Jesus’ shed blood for the remission of our sins, a repentant heart (turning away from sin), and following the instructions left behind in God’s Word (the Bible alone).

Read the entire article at our mother sister site AT2W


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