It's no surprise nor a shock to hear about the many pastors across the globe who carry some level of scandal behind their names. There are probably so many that we can't count. Nonetheless, there are some that have been associated almost to the hip of one prominent pastor and bishop. This pastor would be: the late Bishop Earl Paulk. This article will be the first of many that will focus on who was tied to Bishop Earl Paulk, the scandals that followed them and ultimately a surprise at the end about who, in our opinion may be cursed from their association.
Now let's get some background on Bishop Earl Paul.
Now, as you can see or remember, Bishop Earl Paulk had much scandal in his church and affected many people's lives. He also mentored many other pastors who became well known all over the world as well as in the Christian church. Unfortunately, these pastors have a stigma attached to their names. This is not to be written to bring up their past troubles but it is critical to note that a bad tree can not produce good fruit. Paulk evidently produced (mentored) bad fruit because his tree was corrupt and rotten from the roots. Its a sad case but it is very true.
Read entire article at AT2W
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