T.D. Jakes' "Elephant Room" Invitation Stirs Controversy
Article written by Contributing Writer Kebony SmithJames MacDonald, a well known pastor in the reformed christian community, is hosting his 2nd
Elephant Room conference on Jan 25, 2012. The goal of the Elephant Room is unity through discussion.
According to McDonald "the best way forward for the followers of Jesus lies not in crouching behind walls of disagreement, but in conversation among all kinds of leaders about what the Scriptures actually teach. However, we must insist on the biblical Gospel, right doctrine and practice but not isolate ourselves from relationship even with those who believe much differently". Judging by the clips shown from the first Elephant Room, the gathering did more than it had set out to do. With a live audience in tow and thousands watching via simulcast, several influential pastors spoke passionately about their disagreements with each other on theological and ethical issues ranging from pastoral pay to evangelism in Easter Sunday services.
So by now you may be wondering what the big deal is concerning T.D. Jakes' attendance. After all, he has been lauded for his humanitarian efforts and is considered to be the next Billy Graham. Well, the problem lies not only with the "word of faith" and prosperity gospel that he teaches and endorses, but with his view of the Trinity.
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