Why Doesn't Rev. Al Sharpton Support Ex-Gays and Ex-Lesbians? Not All People Want to Be Homosexuals In An Era of Gay Affirming Black Churches

It is very painful to see Rev. Al Sharpton siding with his good friend, President Barack Obama, but there are African Americans whom were once gay or lesbian who turned their lives around.  Over the years, Rev. Al Sharpton seemed like he was such a strong man, but in recent years, it seems as though he has been weakened to agree with sin without even considering the feelings of those whom no longer desire to be a homosexual.   Now we see why God may not have allowed Rev. Al Sharpton to become president of the United States, because it was already bad enough he grew up in the COGIC Pentecostal church and began preaching as a young boy and now supporting same sex marriages.  Therefore, it would be must worst to see him in the position as the president of this country.  Rev. Al Sharpton really offends many ex-gays and ex-lesbians, because He has no respect for them turning away from sin neither does He have any respect for God's original plan between a man and a woman, allegedly.   As he has gotten older he seems to have become extremely selfish in order to remain popular among today's Democratic elite while many ex-homosexuals are testifying about what God has done for them during his affirmation for same sex marriage.

What ex-gays and ex-lesbians must do now is pray to God about Rev. Al Sharpton, because in many ways he has not thought about them as a man of God.   Rev. Al Sharpton has allegedly mentioned his sister is a lesbian, but what about all of the women whom have turned their lives around and are no longer lesbians?   Isn't his lack of support unfair for all of the children of God whom desire to live complete righteous lives and no longer live their lives as homosexuals?  Rev. Al Sharpton seems to have opposed God's Word in exchange for gay rights to become civil rights and that is not fair to ex-homosexuals.   Rev. Al Sharpton has caused an annoyance among those whom have been fully delivered from homosexuality and because of it, he no longer deserves the support from them nor the holiness black church.    The body of Christ needs to think about supporting those whom have testified about their deliverance from homosexuality and forget about whom should be the next president.   Too many ex-homosexuals have given their testimonies and will never turn back to the previous lifestyles of sin.  Therefore, if Rev. Al Sharpton and the black preachers whom follow him in twisting the civil rights initiative would rather make sure that we have a part-black president in office, than thinking about those whom escaped homosexuality, then they do not need ex-homosexuals to support their ministries.   It is time for more black churches to change into ministries to support ex-gays and ex-lesbians, which will not have anymore focus on civil rights matters, but only on living a complete holy lifestyle based on the Word of God.   Tithes and offerings given by those whom are reformed homosexuals should only support ministries whom support them and listened to their testimonies of deliverance.

Furthermore, Rev. Al Sharpton's stance on the issue of homosexuality is so offensive, the black church needs to take that as a sign that the era of civil rights is over.   Now it is time for the revolution to began only for the Kingdom of God to spread righteousness throughout the nation and abroad.   Same sex marriage is very offensive to ex-gays and ex-lesbians and if they cannot be respected by Rev. Al Sharpton and those "so-call" black preachers whom are following his political opinion, then civil rights needs to be history.   Too many ex-gays and ex-lesbians want to be in a relationship with the opposite sex for those preachers in the pulpit who oppose God's biblical commandments against homosexuality.  Too many of them do not see a future in ever being married to the same sex.  Therefore, it really is very bad for the black church to began yielding to President Barack Obama's support for same sex couples.   In this era, many ex-gays and ex-lesbians do not feel a part of the black community, which has changed their integrity for sexual popularity.  Many of them do not feel a part of the black church that is ashamed for them to testify about their deliverance from homosexuality, but so eager to follow other ministries that idolize President Obama in supporting his same sex marriage agenda.

SCR's message to ex-gays and ex-lesbians: 'It is time for you to cry out to God more than ever before, because civil rights is no longer just a racial issue in the eyes of many black preachers like Rev. Al Sharpton, but to them, it is a shared movement for those whom have opposed God's commandments.   The days of black pride and being proud of civil rights leaders like Rev. Sharpton are over, it is time to seek God.   Yes, reformed homosexuals are being ignored by Rev. Al Sharpton and many black churches, but you cannot allow that to stop your transformation.   It seems like Rev. Sharpton and many black churches have left many ex-gays and ex-lesbians all by themselves while expecting for them to lay aside their morals and values and rally with him on civil rights issues, after they went through a personal change.  However, God has not forgotten about your deliverance.   The black church maybe something of the past, simply history, just like the civil rights movement.   So, you need to think about only joining those whom are for righteousness, no matter the race, because many black people are supporting President Obama and not honoring God's Word.   Now, the support for Rev. Al Sharpton should be only from the homosexual community, he no longer needs the support of black people whom have high integrity and respect for themselves and their families.   In our opinion Rev. Al Sharpton has disrespected God by ignoring His Word and only focusing on his sister's alleged lifestyle as a lesbian and supporting the first (bi-racial) black president's decision to affirm same sex marriages. '

In our opinion, why rally whenever we have a case like Trayvon Martin, if we do not take it as a forewarning to get right with God?  If Rev. Al Sharpton chooses to condone homosexuality and same sex marriages, then he will continue to rally until the day he dies, because God cannot stop racial discrimination unless a race of people completely turn around from sin.

Photo Courtesy: http://articles.nydailynews.com


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