At this time, we feel the following statement about the President's support for gay marriage is a true and authentic one. Coming from a woman who lived the life as a lesbian for 30 years and helped initiate gay rights, she has been transformed and stands on the truth. At this hour she still stands tall and tells the absolute truth about what she thinks about Obama and his support for the LGBT community and gay marriage.
Just One Issue by Rev. Charlene Cothran
The President's statement supporting gay marriage is much more than 'just one issue' as many, especially Black leaders, want to claim. It is a very deep SPIRITUAL [against natural law] issue. His statement has catastrophically and irreversibly damaged future generations. Additionally, the President did NOT speak as an individual. A sitting president of the most powerful nation in the world can never 'speak personally'. He O.K.'d homosexual marriage in exchange for money and power. He is not a minister but shamefully and deceitfully used the Holy Scripture to support his evil works. He repulsively compared himself to Christ's sacrifice at Calvary. No wonder he didn't seek advice from his pastor first. He KNOWS that was improper but it SOUNDS good for his church-going voters. The trouble is NO ONE actually believes that he made his statement out of any kind of conviction but Money and power. He raised more than 9 million dollars in the first 90 minutes after his announcement. That is NOT a coincidence.
Read the full article HERERead more about Ex Gay Testimonies HERE
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