Franklin Graham Says There Is No Room For Christians to Compromise In 2012 Election: God Expects The Black Church To Take Heed

Thank God, Billy Graham raised a strong son who is not afraid to speak out for righteous.  To hear Franklin Graham say, 'there is no room for Christians to Compromise in 2012' is like drinking a cool refreshing glass of water.  Like Pastor Patrick L. Wooden, this man really has done his job for the Kingdom of God, speaking out for America to remain a country that abides by the laws of God's Word and not compromise.   His message is for all Christians, but because many black churches have been focusing on race as an excuse to vote for President Barack Obama, we must forewarn all black pastors, bishops, evangelists of all denominations they are in trouble with God if they compromise in this coming presidential election in November 2012.  God's wrath is going to come on the black church and possibly, it will be much worse than previous punishments that has already destroyed the black community because of rebellion.

This is a time for all clergy members of the black church to sit down among themselves and  make a decision if they are going to be for Jesus Christ or President Barack Obama.   If they are going to choose President Obama, they do not love Jesus and are not afraid of God.  Therefore, it behooves all of us to pay very close attention whom these pastors are going to vote for Obama and encourage their members to do the same.   We already have some very popular names in the ministry and have heard them say based on race, all African Americans should vote for President Obama, so they should not feed us spiritual food, anymore.  Their sermons are not good for our souls and will only lead us into Satanic forces.   Therefore, we want to forewarn all black ministers to drop the race issues before God's wrath comes on them like never before.  We feel God is very angry at those in the black church whom are using the race card to support President Obama.   Black history is just what it is, black history, something dead, in the past and we should no longer allow racial discrimination to cause us to support those whom oppose God's Word.

Furthermore, those whom remain the black churches that have vowed they will support President Barack Obama in this next election are also in trouble with God.   Repent is you are comprising before God turns you over into Satan's dominion.

Franklin Graham: No Room For Compromise

As America moves closer to the presidential election, the political debate has intensified. Republicans, Democrats and independents have all been promising what they will do to make our nation a better place.

I have met all of the leading presidential candidates. When I consider who to vote for, I am most interested in the policies they espouse, and how they follow the clear teaching of God’s Word where government policy intersects fundamental moral and spiritual concerns.

For example, I cannot support any candidate or party that favors abortion. Since 1973 when Roe v. Wade became the law of the land, more than 54 million American children have been slaughtered. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children....Read full article, here.

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