These two Texas men, James Curtis Williams and Raymond Jackson spent almost 30 years of their lives in prison for a crime they did not commit. You know when we examine this case, we ought to think about how it must feel to be falsely accused while two other "black" men who actually committed the crime enjoyed life. This is why we cannot necessarily follow some civil rights activists whom are yet only focusing on racial issues. Yes, of course, there is still racism in America, but there are also enemies who are black against black and have no problem with their own kind being falsely accused and blamed for something they did not do. These sort of issues, we do not hear Rev. Al Sharpton speak about. Tell us, isn't it just as wrong for the actual criminals, Marion Sayles and Frederick Anderson in the below photos to allow these two other black men, Williams and Jackson to be blamed for their crimes? Isn't that just as bad as the white supremacists in slavery days who lynched, beat and forced labor on black people in the cotton fields? What these two criminals did to these two freed men is a form of slavery, because it was not fair for them to go on with life as though they did nothing wrong and allow James Curtis Williams and Raymond Jackson to take their places in prison. Thank God for DNA evidence!

We know God really would like Rev. Al . Sharpton to speak out against black people like Marion Sayles and Frederick Anderson allowing blame to be placed on their own race. Although, we love prisoners and we encourage them to ask God to come in their lives, these two men still did something wrong and did not care about the innocence of the other two black men who spent almost 30 years for their crime. In order for racism to stop in this country of America, there is a need for civil rights activists like Rev. Al Sharpton to finally instruct black people like the above convicts to stop oppressing each other, because this is why in the 21st century many African Americans have not gotten anywhere. It is time to speak out against black people whom have no consideration for others while just blaming white supremacists for their actions.
We thank God for being there for these two innocent black men, James Curtis Williams and Raymond Jackson in Texas. Even if many people judged them for something they did not do and they lost almost 30 years of their lives, God proved himself through DNA. Furthermore, we pray that Sayles and Anderson repent for not only raping and shooting the woman years ago, but that they both repent for their sins and ask God to save them before it is everlasting too late.
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