Black Church Pastors Must Now Divide From Those Whom Support Gay Marriage:Tensions Between Black and Gay Groups Rise Anew in Advance of Anti-Gay Marriage Vote in N.C.

In our opinion, if there is division between black Christians and gay groups in North Carolina or any other state, let it be.   It is time for all of us whom are black, white, Latino, Asian or any other race to separate from those whom are condoning same sex marriage.  According to God's Word it is an ancient sin, since the days of Sodom of Gomorrah.  We of SCR want to support the National Organization for Marriage, because God's Word expects us to do so.  We cannot risk our souls for eternal hell, just because many black church leaders would rather be accepted by those whom are going along with Obama supporters.  It is time to separate from weak church leaders whom would rather be accepted by gay affirming pastors instead of uniting with those whom are facing persecution.   Tell us, are you a follower of Jesus Christ or a follower of President Barack Obama?   No longer, do we have time to listen to Rev. Al Sharpton and civil rights leaders like him whom are just speaking out against racial discrimination while also speaking out in support for gay marriage.   We must now divide for Jesus Christ.  We must yet love those whom have rebelled against God's Word, but because of this ongoing situation of gay marriage causing conflict among men and women, it is time to divide and love them at a distance.  It does not matter if it you neighbor, family member or long-time close friend, God has too many other souls to save, then to always be trying to make peace with those whom are rebelling against God's commandments.

Let us respectively forewarn you ministers whom would rather be accepted by those whom are giving in, in order to be recognized by President Obama, God is just as angry at you as much as He is angry at those whom are preaching the prosperity gospel for fame and fortune.   If you do not believe us, then go straight to our videos page and watch and listen to the testimonies of Bishop Earthquake Kelley and Minister Mary K. Baxter, one black and one white, both met with God and came back with a forewarning for humanity to change.  Bishop Earthquake Kelley allegedly said God told him, He is angry at preachers whom are preaching for fame and fortune.   Mary K. Baxter allegedly said Jesus Christ showed her many lives of preachers whom once lived on earth whom were not doing God's will, but He also showed her gays and lesbians burning in the lake of fire screaming and pleading to get out and to tell their families not to go there.   So, if you think you are okay to be a follower of President Barack Obama, you better think again, because your soul is at stake if you do not change.   You want to talk about CHANGE, let's just take about God's type of CHANGE and that means change your life and your thought process into complete holiness before it is everlasting too late.

Now, it is such a shame that we are witnessing such division in North Carolina, because of this same sex marriage vote, but this is how it has to be and the black church has a responsibility to make it an agenda to preach against homosexuality and no longer waste time communicating and fellowshiping with those whom refuse to change.  After this life, we all have some place to go, and that is either with God or with the Devil.   So, it is not good a thing to bank on your soul being accepted in the Kingdom of God, after yielding to the masses whom are afraid to be holy and righteous.

We want you to read these following biblical scriptures and do not allow them to leave your memory.

God's Scriptures Against Homosexuality

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."

Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Romans 1:26-27 - "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

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Tensions Between Black and Gay Groups Rise Anew in Advance of Anti-Gay Marriage Vote in N.C.

As North Carolinians head to the polls next week to vote on the fate of a state constitutional amendment to bar gay marriage and civil unions, the controversial measure can already claim at least one clear winner: The National Organization for Marriage. Exposed in March as seeking to drive a wedge between African-Americans and gay rights groups, the conservative group has found North Carolina -- which is 21 percent black -- a fertile playing field for its divide and conquer tactics.

Armed with both NOM money and strategic know-how, state level groups such as Vote FOR Marriage NC have deftly deployed the race debate to court black clergy and voters in their attempt to ensure that North Carolina is no longer the only Southern state whose constitution does not bar same-sex marriage. Passed by the legislature in September 2011 as "An Act to Amend the Constitution to Provide That Marriage Between One Man and One Woman...Read full article, here.



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